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Ben-Avis Class Escort Carrier

Ben-Avis Class Escort Carrier
Product #
SFS 028
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20 December 1999photos added
8 October 1998page redesigned
30 June 1997page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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side view of model, as painted by the Editor front quarter view of model, as assembled and painted by the Editor

I'll admit up front that this is my favorite. This ship is dominated by a rectangular "flight deck," backed by a square "poop deck" with hangar entrances at front and rear. A rectangular bridge sits on a "neck" on top of the rear deck. There are two twin-gun emplacements at the front of the flight deck, and three single-gun emplacements on the rear deck. Two engine nacelles are mounted on each side of the ship. Below the flight deck, the ship has sort of an inverted pyramid shape, with lots of detail. There's a hole for inserting a flight stand (not included).

photo from manufacturer's online catalog

The ship comes in three pieces - upper deck, lower deck, and bridge. I had some trouble figuring out how the hull fit together, but finally came to a reasonably conclusion (it looks like my sample might have been missing some guide tabs). I also had to do some minor filing to get the hull pieces to sit flush. There was a minor glitch on the side of the rear deck which obscures some detailing, and so is difficult to fix. Part of the flight deck edge failed to mold properly, losing some of the detail work. The bridge connects to the hull with a pin, and fits perfectly. Side seams on the bridge unfortunately obscure some detail on the front, and one of the "ports" at the rear of the bridge had some excess nubbage within.

57mm x 29mm x 21mm