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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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An Archfield claiming to be the assasinated Nisroc, this creature has what might once have been the head of a ram, and bears the swords and skulls of the slain assassins of Nisroc. The figure comes in 7 pieces: upper body, lower body, head, horns (2), and arms (2).

Watch out for excess lead inside the upper body/lower body joint - the pieces tightly snugly once any extra sprue bits are removed, though you might want to fill in the slight gap in the rear. The head fits perfectly. The arms fit well, though unlike the counter art, both swords are pointed upwards. The horns also fit snugly to the head, if you rotate them long enough - but don't accidentally glue them so they tangle.

This was the least interesting figure in the set for me, though I might change my mind when I see it painted (the counter art suggests a vivid color scheme). The torso is uninspired, but the head and arms are more interesting; the pose would be dull except for the in-your-face quality of the head.

75mm tall (including swords)