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Ramon Light Attack VTOL (GEV)

Ramon Light Attack VTOL (GEV)
Product #
SFV 004
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side view of assembled, primed modelfront quarter view of assembled, primed model

They charge more for this baby - not due to its size, but I imagine due to it coming in four fiddly little pieces. Essentially, this is an "attack helicopter," but with wings instead of rotors! There are dual cockpits (pilot and gunner), a pair of engines, a gun pod in the nose, large wing with prominent underside rails, and boom tail ending in a fin.

photo of the painted model, courtesy of the manufacturer's website

There's no instructions, but I figured the pieces out after a few false starts. My sample's main body was warped, but was easily straightened. A prominent seam on the top of the tail boom is easily dealt with. The wings fit nicely to the hull, though the wing's hull section is slightly wider than the main hull (call it a design feature). The gun pod is the third piece, is a unique design, and fits to the hull by a pin - but my sample hull didn't have a hole to fit the pin into. (So I'll shave off the pin and glue it to the hull, no problem.) The engine pods are the last piece, and slide around the hull to fit snugly. The thrust-ends of the pods were dissimilar on my sample, one being rounded, and the other being cylindrical with a central fin (piece of flash?) - a very minor defect.

There's no provision for mounting the vehicle on a flight stand.

43mm x 32mm x 7mm