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Adder Combat Cars in the Magrav

Yellow Adder Combat Car (3)
Product #
Suggested Retail Price
£9.45 GBP

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Personal logo 20thmaine Supporting Member of TMP writes:

They look good – nice addition to your forces!

Revision Log
18 May 2016page first published

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Following my plan, I previously based the infantry for my Warfare in the Age of Madness post-holocaust Magrav. I still needed the support vehicles.

Taking advantage of the pricing structure over at The Ion Age – where you usually get a discount for purchasing three of the same model – I picked up three Yellow Adder Combat Cars (wheeled vehicles with rocket turrets). I only needed two for the Magrav, but my Neo-Sovs will gladly take any extras.

The resin models had two parts: hull and turret. The hull needed a little clean-up, as there was some excess resin on the underside, and a few seams. I primed the models white, then painted them in a red-white-blue scheme suitable for a North African force with French heritage. I basecoated, highlighted, then applied a wash to each of the three color areas. The headlights were painted silver.

I imagined these vehicles being constantly rushed from hot spot to hot spot, so I then 'dirtied them up' with a black wash and muddy-brown drybrushing on the lower hull.

I named them Bibi and Fifi, and painted the names on the front of the vehicles.

Adder Combat Cars

Adder Combat Car

Adder Combat Car

Adder Combat Car

Adder Combat Car

That nearly completes the Magrav force, except for a few odds and ends.