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The Whatever-It-Is

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OSSL1 #948752
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aecurtis Fezian writes:

Well. I've had one of the bleedin' things for ten years, and I never would have made that observation. Well pointed out!


Revision Log
4 March 2000page first published

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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This falls into the category of "we don't know what it's supposed to be for, but at this price you might want one."

looking down the barrel of whatever-this-is

Dollar Tree is a chain of discount stores in the United States, where nothing in the store costs more than US$1. (Hence, the name.) They carry everything from candy and crackers, hair care products and remaindered books, toys and knick-knacks.

We found this particular item on the display shelves in the front of the store, where inexpensive resin "art objects" are on display. These items, imported by Dollar Tree from China under the brand name K's Collection, usually include what you might expect - cottages, lighthouses, bunny rabbits, and similar "ceramic" things.

This month, however, K's Collection has introduced a line of military-themed products. We saw this vehicle on the shelf, and our immediate thought was - this would be great for gaming! (Especially at only $1 a vehicle!) If this is based on a historical vehicle, we didn't recognize it - and the "exagerated" sculpting style fits in best with science fiction gaming, in our opinion.

a side view of the odd import

The vehicle is tracked, with a small open-topped armor compartment. Armament consists of a main gun and smaller coaxial gun mounted in the forward hull, plus a machinegun in the crew compartment with a belt of ammo cascading from it. There are headlights on the front, plus a spare piece of track lashed to the front hull. At the rear is some kind of exhaust pipe (?), rear headlights, and a rear bumper. The crew compartment is littered with boxes and ammo shells. One bit of silliness: the main gun should extend into the crew compartment, but doesn't.

The vehicle is painted gray, but light tan shows in some of the crevices (probably the natural color of the resin). The front and rear headlights are silvered. There is a bit of non-slip material on the bottom.

As the photo below shows, the vehicle is a little over-scale for 25mm gaming - but then, so are most of the vehicles available from the manufacturers! We saw one store sample missing a gun barrel, so make sure the vehicle is intact before purchasing it.

Simtac's Sister Sin and a Citadel Gretchin pose with the mystery import vehicle

The Bottom Line: This is kind of a whacky little item, but at $1 each these vehicles might make a useful addition to your 25mm/28mm/30mm army...