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DemonWorld Orc Chariots

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JHaygood writes:

I have seen so many people comment on wanting the Demonworld line back, someone somewhere who owns them should be seeing this and wanting to sell some more figs…

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30 September 2010page first published

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

I sent a few of the 15mm Orc Chariots from the now defunct DemonWorld line to painters at Fernando Enterprises, and here's what a pair of them look like painted up to Showcase standard.

Orc chariots

I think they painted up four of them for me, although I only have two of them based up so far. (I was afraid the models might be damaged in shipping, so had the painting done in Sri Lanka, but the assembly and basing done here.)

Orc chariots - spot the difference?

Can you spot the difference between the two chariots? The one on the right was assembled by instinct; the one on the left was assembled after looking at the packaging photo of the finished model! Yes, the chariot bar is supposed to rest on top of the yokes, not in front or behind...

Orc chariot (front)

I found the basing to be a little tricky, as I glued the beasts down first, then plastered and flocked the base, then attached the chariot - as I had to line up the beasts in the right spot long before the chariot would be in place.

Orc chariot close-up

The chariot has two crew - one waving a sword and holding a bow, and one firing a bow. (Nobody seems to be driving... that's Orcs for you!) One foot on each figure has a peg which fits into a hole in the chariot floor. You would think this would give you some flexibility in how to place the crew, but in reality there's not much choice... unless you cut the peg off.

Orc chariot (side)

The wheels glue onto the ends of the axles, and look appropriately ramshackle in my opinion...

Orc crew in chariot

With the peg in his left foot, the rear crewman is always going to be firing to the left, though he can pivot to face a bit more to the front or rear.

Orc chariot

There are two variants of wolf, so it looks better if you don't get two of one type on one side, and two of the other type on the other side. (Yes, I screwed it up...)

Orc chariot

I thought the painters at Fernando Enterprises did a great job of matching the paint scheme from the blister pack - and I think they actually improved on the "wood" look, making it really look beat up and worn.