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Tribal with Hatchet and Shield #1

Tribal with Hatchet and Shield
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Suggested Retail Price
$4.00 AUD


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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

No, no, no… grin

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30 July 2008page first published

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"Tribal with Hatchet and Shield"

This girl is wearing... well, not much of anything. A loincloth (is it called a loincloth if it's for a girl?), some fur on her arm, a bangle on one ankle, and a mysterious rectangle hanging from her not-a-loincloth's tie-string (another bangle? the price tag?). Plus she's holding the hatchet, has a shield slung on her back, and there's an ornament in her hair.

Tribal with Hatchet and Shield

Is it just me, or does she look completely out of it? Nicely statuesque, though...

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"Tribal with Hatchet and Shield"