I've started work on a second BattleTech faction to fight against my other faction. This was originally Team Red, but I've now come up with a name: Las Banditas. Just another band of mercs on some desolate planet.
This model is the original Savage Coyote (Iron Wind Metals), which has been superseded by an updated model (the main difference is that the upper housing is now hollow). It is an 85-ton Clan Omnimech, but I've decided I don't care about all the BattleTech backstory – for me, this is an old 'mech on a washed-up world.
This is the first model for the new faction, and I'm going with red as the faction color. I'm just grabbing random models from the old pile of lead for this group.
I was trying to get some interesting and varying shades of red on this model. There was a triangle modeled on the back, which I turned into this mech's personal insignia (very weathered).
I tried to 'get fancy' and drill out the gun barrel, but the hole ended up off-center. I'm using the BattleTech metal bases, painted red to identify the team, flocked with coarse sand.