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SJG's Special Ops Miniatures

Special Ops Miniatures
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Suggested Retail Price
$24.95 USD

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

Last we were told, Richard has a license to continue production - see here.

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4 November 2004page first published

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First of all, don't let the box art confuse you. Yes, it shows people parachuting. But that's meant as generic special-ops art (it comes from the GURPS Special Ops RPG supplement) - this set has no parachutists in it.

Special Ops Miniatures

OK, so what is in this set? From the back of the box...

The six figures in this set, sculpted by Richard Kerr, represent the real-life entry teams of today's modern army and police forces.

So these are intended to be the heavily armed police who come to knock on your door (but are ready to batter it down) - useful for any "good cops vs evil criminals" type gaming, as well as "bad cops oppressing good guys" campaigns.

The front of the box tells us that the six figures are:

  • Command
  • Shooter
  • Entry
  • Breach
  • Rearguard
  • and Sniper

Alas, there's no identification as to which figure is what. (Maybe it's covered in the GURPS Special Ops book...)

Two Special Ops figures

For instance, here are two figures with guns (and one may be holding a grenade). Both are wearing what look to be smocks or uniforms, with knee pads, lace-up boots, a combat vest, and hoods with headsets and a boom-mike.

Close-up - note the headset and the boom-mike

Both are armed with automatic weapons (and a holstered pistol), and a walkie talkie in back.

Two more Special Ops figures

Here are two more figures - the kneeling figure is the Sniper (the company's website points out that kneeling sniper models are hard to find), and I'm guessing that perhaps the guy who looks like he's knocking on a door is Entry. Maybe. Or if that's a hand gesture, he could be Command. They are equipped as per the first two figures, except that the Sniper has a long-barrel weapon with a scope.

The last two Special Ops figures

Now I'm guessing that the figure with the "plumber's helper" (battering ram) is Breach. Again, these figures have identical kit with the others in the group.

Special Ops backsides

Note that Breach has a pistol-grip shotgun on his back.

The standing figures measure 25mm from foot to eye-level, and 28mm from foot to top of the head. Packaged in video cassette box with two layers of foam, and packaging slipcover.