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Chronoscope Surfer Dudes

Surfer Dude
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JoeCCP writes:

So, did any of them medal in the Olympics?

Revision Log
28 July 2024page first published

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679 hits since 28 Jul 2024
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian writes:

A few years ago, I watched a rather silly movie and got the idea for a simple miniatures campaign. And I needed five surfer dudes!

Surfer Dudes

The figures I picked up were the aptly-named Surfer Dude in Reaper's Chronoscope range. These are one-piece metal figures with a plastic slottabase.

Surfer Dude

Since the figures were identical, the goal was to give them personality with a variety of skin tones, swimwear, and surfboards.

Surfer Dude

I wish the surfboard had been cast separately, as I think it would have been a lot easier to paint that way. Also, note some casting issues on the lower part of the back of the board.

Surfer Dude

I did an online search to get an idea of what surfboards actually looked like. Here, I made a mess of trying to get some white panels on a yellow board.

Surfer Dude

The figure wears a wristwatch on his right hand. One of the harder parts of painting this figure is keeping the colors divided between the arm and board, and to a lesser extent, the board and the leg. Lots of touch-ups.

Surfer Dude

On this figure, I tried out a paint that was supposedly an Asian skintone. Or maybe just a good tan.

Surfer Dude

I flocked the bases with coarse sand. A bit out of scale, but it looks nice.

Surfer Dude

Here I tried a black skintone. (I think the bottle said 'African Flesh'.) I wanted to use proper highlights and shading, without making the figure look dusted. I'm trying to get more practice with black skintone.

Surfer Dude

As I've often said before, I'm not a championship painter. I'm just using basic techniques: basecoat, drybrush, wash.

Surfer Dude

Stripes on this figure required a lot of patience and touch-ups. (You can also see touch-ups on the board, unfortunately.)

Surfer Dude

As usual, I filled the base bottoms with spackle, then added LITKO FlexSteel on the bottoms for storage in magnet-lined boxes.

Surfer Dude

I hope that I've given my five surfer dudes enough differentiation so they won't be confused for each other on the tabletop.