Questions and Answers

Questions and Answers

Q: Pg. 11 mentions that units can use an evolution in order to make formation changes. Does this mean a unit can change between open/loose/close?

A: YES! Good question. That is exactly what can be done.

Q: On pg. 5, could you elaborate on the definition of Armored Cavalry vs. Heavy Cavalry? What is meant by "eastern formations" - cataphracts?

A: Armored cavalry should have partial barding added to its definition. The heavy cavalry has only the rider armored. Eastern formations are just that - cavalry of eastern Christian and Moslem armies that would be just as likely to skirmish or charge. The armor of these types is not cataphract. Such heavy equipage would have denied them such ability. Nor was their armor uniform although the Byzantines were probably the most uniform in this area.

Q: On pg. 7, in the morale tables, does the value stand both for point cost and for morale value? That is, does a Heavy Infantry of Morale D cost 2 points and have a Morale Factor of 2?

A: OK, in the charts we showed the individual point cost for each figure in a unit by morale class. Therefore a D class figure costs 2 points. You multiply the number of figures by the individual point cost and then add to that number the unit type base cost. For example, a 10 figure unit of D heavy infantry would work out like this: 10 times 2 points which equals 20 points. To this, add 40 points for the base cost of all heavy infantry, and you have a 60 point unit whose morale value and unit point cost. Yes.

Q: Pg. 8, second paragraph ("Terrain"), there is a layout error with this paragraph (end of next paragraph accidentally pasted here). How should the last sentence read?

A: Drop the last two lines of the paragraph. I will be giving out free white out at Historicon.

Q: Pg. 8, Major Water, do you mean that the entire table side is water to a width of 12"?

A: Yes. So the water piece will go from the table side edge up to 12 inches into the play area.

Q: Pg. 9, "Players select 8 pieces of terrain each." Are there any limits? For instance, could a player pick 8 "major waters"?

A: No, because the table has only 2 flank edges. But players can pick 8 pieces of terrain excluding major water that are the same. This terrain thing is worth spending time on regardless of the typos. The world is not flat and terrain is as valuable an instrument in waging war as are weapons. Too many games do not give terrain its just due. The selection of terrain can be a great equalizer to armies that are outnumbered. This is one of the most important aspects in Crusader warfare. Christian victories were often due in large part to leaders picking an area where their flanks were not exposed, and that provided knights a limited frontage that gave great advantage to their charges. Smail in Crusading Warfare as well as Oman point this out very well. This is perhaps the only set of rules where a player can attempt to create a pass like Thermoploy.

Q: Pg. 9, What does "Major Water 1" and "Major Water 2" on the table mean? does #2 use the placement dieroll for #1?

A: Major Water 1 & 2 means each player can opt to use one major water piece. Yes, both use the same placement numbers, and run the risk of negating the placement if they both fall on the same placement area.

Q: Pg. 9, table, looks like "Minor Terrain" could be a typo, should it be "Minor Water"?

A: Yes.

Q: Pg. 19, Weapon Types table, reference is made to different numbers of ranks being able to fight, depending on weapons. Can I assume that if "1 1/2" ranks can attack, this means I take the full number of figures in the first row, plus half from the second row? (dumb question, but I want to be sure I understand)

A: There are never any dumb questions. You have answered your own question. The unit would count the entire number of figures in the front rank and half those of the back rank.

Q: In the Hastings order of battle, the letter F is sometimes used with class (i.e., AF@8). Does this mean Fanatic?

A: F does indeed refer to Fanatic.

Q: On the map for the battle of Lincoln, I'm confused about the feature labeled "elevated ground." It looks like two parallel roads - are these sides of a ridge?

A: Yes, it was a terraced area and these are the contours.

Last Updates
23 May 1997page first published
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