Our goal is to provide coverage for all sets of rules. If you are a
publisher or a designer and your work is not recognized here, please
contact the editor.
We do not present reviews here -- rather, we provide
descriptions of rules, and let our readers draw their own conclusions.
If you have an opinion about a particular set of rules, please feel
free to drop us email so that we can add your input to the "What
Players Think" portion of our rules pages.
If you know of a set of rules which are not on this list but should
be, send the editor an email with the following information:
- the complete name of the product
- the period or genre
- the publisher
- when it was published
- whether the game is in or out of print (best guess)
That's enough to get the rules on my list. But if you're feeling really
ambitious, send me the following information and I'll start a webpage
for the rules:
- brief description of the rules
- details about the period or genre
- the ground scale (1" = how many yards...)
- the time scale (one turn = how many minutes...)
- the figure ratio (one figure represents 60 men...)
- which figure scales the rules are intended to work with (15mm, 25mm, etc.)
- general idea of how the figures are based
- contents (dimensions and page count of the rulebook, plus whether there
are any charts, forms, sheets, templates, figures, dice, etc.)
- name of the designer(s)
- year the product was published (and information on different editions,
if you know)
- name of the publisher (contact information, if it's a new one to us)
- and (most important) a mini-review of the product, if you've played it
What's a mini-review? Well, that's one way of referring to those What
Players Think sections on the rules pages. If you were thinking about
submitting one of those, here are some thoughts:
- Don't worry about describing the game, unless it's one of those
pages where I haven't described the game yet - in that case, describe away
- Your opinion counts, but readers also want to know why you like or
dislike a particular ruleset
- If you've had fun with a set of rules, don't be shy about sharing an
anecdote or story which shows why these particular rules were fun for you
Other Reasons to Contact Us
- Broken Links
- Please give us email about these, because if you don't tell us
there's a problem, we can't fix it!
- Corrections
- If we've screwed up the facts, please set us straight.
- Suggestions
- We are always open to new ideas about how to do things, about what
to add to the magazine, and about how better to serve our readers.
Last Updates |
2 December 1996 | submission guidelines |
23 November 1996 | fixed silly typo |
14 October 1996 | added editor's email address |
6 April 1996 | page created |