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Brother Against Brother

Ruleset for skirmishes between company-sized units, with players taking the roles of Sergeants (Group Leaders over a squad of 9-10 figures) and Company Officers (a company consists of 4-5 squads). Infantry, cavalry, and artillery are covered. Cards randomly determine which groups act when. Soldiers take individual actions - fire, load (certain weapons require loading before firing), move, charge. Being outside of a Sergeant's command radius limits a soldier's actions; and soldiers can charge only if ordered to do so by a Company Officer. Taking casualties or charging requires a group to take a Morale Card, often causing skeedaddling (stragglers). Optional rules cover troop qualities, event cards, types of fire, and allow leaders to be "personalized." Designed to be played to completion in 3-4 hours.

Three scenarios are included:

First Blood
Two forces of equal size (~100 figures) run into each other while foraging. Intended as basic game to introduce beginners to the rules.
Camp Raid
Union raiders (100 men, plus cavalry and artillery) hit Confederate supply depot (40 defenders, with artillery and entrenchments; plus reinforcements)


Under Siege
French troops (with Indian allies) must drive British from blockhouse before reinforcements (rangers) arrive. French and Indian War.

Ivor M. Janci
H. G. Walls
Year Published
Out of Print
  • 44-page rule booklet with color illustrations

    Color illustrations

  • 19 plastic-coated Morale Cards, 15 artillery markers (must be cut apart)

    Card back

    Card front

Requires deck of standard playing cards (not provided)
One infantry/cavalry figure represents 1-2 men.
Ground scale is 1" = 5 yards
One Action Phase represents 1-3 minutes.

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Areas of Interest

18th Century
American Civil War

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 23 October 1997. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 15 December 2016.

4,863 hits since 26 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Brother Against Brother

American Civil War Small Action Rules

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (7.26)
Total Votes: 15


First edition published 1996. Packed in ziploc bag.

First edition

Second edition published 1997.