The New Rule
After initiative has been determined (Step 2) and before First Movement (Step 3), both players roll d4
for each unit. On a roll of "1", that unit suffers a random event -- roll d100
to determine the exact result,
and must follow the instructions as closely as possible. The result is
shown to both players (it's more fun this way).
- An M indicates that the random unit must be chosen among the player's missile units.
- An I indicates that the random unit is only among non-missile units.
- An F indicates that the random unit is only among flying units.
All results are in effect until the end of the turn, unless otherwise stated.
- Disturb a swarm of bees -- mandatory morale check at start of unit's move
- Commander gets ill -- unit is out of command
- Unit offerred a bonus for good fighting -- plus 1 ML for rest of battle
- Unit has a personal grudge -- plus 1 ML for rest of battle, but must only fight nearest enemy
unit until one or the other is destroyed or off-map
- Commander is hesitant -- unit is out of command
- Mixup in logistics -- no missile fire [M]
- Rumours abound -- non-missile unit charges nearest foe possible, if in charge range
- Rumours abound -- unit will not advance to engage in hand-to-hand combat
- Rumours abound -- mandatory morale check
- Rumours abound -- unit performs flight movement
- Rumours abound -- unit disengages from combat (player's choice of method)
- Rumours abound -- plus 1 ML
- Rumours abound -- minus 1 ML
- No orders from army commander -- unit performs identical movement as closest friendly
- No orders from army commander -- unit moves full movement straight ahead
- No orders from army commander -- unit moves full movement toward army commander (or
unit with highest per-figure value if no army commander is present)
- No orders from army commander -- unit is out of command
- Miscommunication -- unit performs 45 degree pinwheel left full movement (force march if
- Miscommunication -- unit performs 45 degree pinwheel right full movement (force march if
- Miscommunication -- unit contracts to column formation and moves full movement straight
- Miscommunication -- unit expands frontage as much as possible
- Miscommunication -- unit moves full movement straight ahead
- Miscommunication -- unit moves full movement in random direction (roll d8)
- Miscommunication -- unit expands to maximum frontage
- Miscommunication -- unit does not move this turn (may fight or fire missile weapons)
- Miscommunication -- unit performs a left flank followed by full movement
- Miscommunication -- unit performs a right flank followed by full movement
- Miscommunication -- unit performs a march to the rear
- Miscommunication -- unit charges nearest enemy unit, if possible
- Miscommunication -- missile unit must only shoot nearest enemy unit [M]
- Miscommunication -- missile unit does not fire [M]
- Miscommunication -- missile unit does not fire during owning player's movement
phase [M]
- Miscommunication -- missile unit does not fire during enemy player's movement phase
- Trepidation -- unit's base movement is halved
- Treachery -- unit must leave the battle field by nearest edge (Permanent)
- Treachery by unit commander -- opposing player moves this unit, instead of owning player, at
any time during owning player's movement phase
- Treachery by unit commander -- unit is out of command
- Gusty Winds -- damage from any missile fire into or from this unit is halved
- Gust of Wind -- all ranges adjusted by 2" in random (d8) direction [M]
- Tailwind -- plus 1" for each range if firing at a unit directly in front of missile unit
- Headwind -- minus 1" for each range if firing at a unit directly in front of missile unit
- Strong Winds -- ALL flying units must land immediately and stay on ground for this
turn [F]
- No more food/water -- damage done by this unit is halved for remaining of battle
- No more water -- entire unit moves into nearest woods/brush-scrub or adjacent to water to get
- Tired -- unit uses next lower AD until it does not move, fight, or rally in a turn
- Exhaustion -- 1/2 movement and may neither force march nor charge
- Exhaustion -- flying unit must immediately land and stay on ground for this turn
- Exhaustion -- unit uses next lower AD
- Exhilaration -- unit uses next higher AD
- Berzerk -- unit uses next higher AD for remainder of battle [I]
- Lack of confidence -- unit minus 1 ML for the remainder of the battle
- Stragglers -- unit takes one hit of damage immediately (no AR check)
- Stragglers -- unit loses one figure immediately
- Commander prepared army well for battle -- ignore any one subsequent event
- Spy in enemy's army -- ignore next random event
- Rabblerouser in enemy's army -- enemy must roll one extra event
- Unit well prepared for this situation -- may move first (even if enemy has initiative) before
charges and rally attempts. May opportunity charge with no initiation check penalty.
- Unit ill-prepared for this situation -- must be the last unit moved on the table -- even if army
moves first
- Rusty/old armor -- plus 1 AR for remainder of battle
- Battle frenzy -- treat all enemies as hated foes
- Battle weary -- Must make a morale check if any enemy unit moves within 1" of unit (as charge
- Unit banner dropped -- minus 1 ML
- Commander poorly prepared army for battle -- Roll again for each of two friendly units
- Caster Interrupted -- loses one spell selected at random
- Caster misplaced proper spell components -- cannot cast spell this turn
If none of the above numbers are rolled, no random event occurs.
For Example
On a given turn, side B wins initiative and decides to let side A move first. Then
both sides roll d100.
Side A rolls a 42 (Strong Winds). Since none of side A's units are flying units, all of side A's units move
normally this turn. Side B, however, has a dragon hero so it must land and stay on the ground the entire
turn, since this particular event affects BOTH sides (very few events affect both sides).
Side B rolls a 33 (it doesn't make a difference who rolls first, since everything is random). Since this
event (Miscommunication) only affects missile units and, of B's 6 units, only two are missile units, B then
rolls d2 to determine which of his two missile units are affected. Both A and B now know which of B's
two units may not fire during A's movement phase (first movement, in this example).
Side A may now proceed with his movement phase, knowing that B's one missile unit cannot shoot at him
during this phase.