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"Armies of Arcana retailer in US?" Topic

Armies of Arcana

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drsid2007 Dec 2008 6:29 p.m. PST

Anyone sell Armies of Arcana in the US or do I need to go through the England to get a copy?

napthyme07 Dec 2008 6:56 p.m. PST

I will have them eventually, how soon would you want one?


drsid2007 Dec 2008 7:57 p.m. PST

I don't need them for Christmas or anything, but sooner the better.

What's "eventually?" grin a couple of months from now? or even later?

napthyme07 Dec 2008 8:10 p.m. PST

I'm trying to get the website set up right now for the AoA miniatures I bought from Thane. It will be a while yet before I can get the cart ready, so probably not before then. hopefully less then a couple months, but time does fly past pretty fast.

I can look up the e-mail address for the canadian source if you want them faster. I am sure even with the increases in the dollar that the canadian price plus shipping would be better then that from the UK.

drsid2008 Dec 2008 4:30 p.m. PST

the canadian source would be fine as well. Thanks!

Elvenblade09 Dec 2008 1:22 a.m. PST

His name is Zinkala

I'll point him at this thread

Zinkala09 Dec 2008 6:54 a.m. PST

Elvenblade sent me here. I have some of the books in stock and I'm located in Saskatchewan. I can be contacted at vsadneek@ for details. Canadian price is $40 USD + $10 USD shipping, US price is whatever the difference in exchange works out to(I believe $34 USD right now) and $10 USD shipping. I can usually have them in the mail within a few days.

drsid2009 Dec 2008 9:22 a.m. PST

thanks for the referral elvenblade!

Zinkala – email sent!

Zinkala09 Dec 2008 10:25 a.m. PST

And of course the Canadian price is 50 canadian dollars total not $50. USD

drsid20, I got the email and will reply soon.

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