"converting warhammer cavalry to armies of arcana" Topic
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vaalar | 09 May 2009 5:59 a.m. PST |
hi, after the reading of reviews, comments and opinions on AoA,i am very attracted by the system. i own almost all armies of warhammer, (we call it in france: "collectionnite":)) but with cavalry unit of 5 to 6 figures and a few of 8 to 10 figures(wolf riders,knigths). my question is:with this number of figures in cavalry unit, are they still playable in AoA face to infantry unit of 15 to 20 figures? (same question for unit of 3 monsters like trolls) thank you and sorry for my english
Zinkala | 09 May 2009 7:05 a.m. PST |
We have a forum here link where you can get more answers about AoA. There are people there willing to answer any questions you might have. A lot of people like to play AoA with larger armies but it can work with the unit sizes you've mentioned. My collection is 90% GW armies too and I often help people to try and adapt the AoA army lists to fit what they already own. In AoA cavalry have 2 wounds and generally speaking will be equivalent to twice their number of infantry. So 5 or 6 models might be a little small for a cavalry unit facing 15-20 infantry but 10 or more works very well. Even in large games people rarely use more than 15 cavalry in one unit. For weaker monster like trolls and ogres it's better if you have a few more but 3 will work if you are careful to protect them until you want to use them. In my opinion the imporant thing is to balance the size of your units for how large of a game you are playing. Small games aren't much fun if you use only a few very large units. I enjoy it much better to have more smaller units on the table so that you have more manouevering. For example if I am playing a 3,000 point battle(about equivalent to 1,500 points in Warhammer) my infantry units will be 15-20 men and cavalry units up to 10 models. When playing 4,000 point games(2,000 in Warhammer) my elves(expensive elite army) use 21 models for infantry and 10 for cavalry while my goblins(cheap horde army) use 25 or 28 models for infantry and 10+ for cavalry. I hope you will try out AoA. I already know about groups in Spain and Germany but don't know about any in France yet. |
Calico Bill | 10 May 2009 5:17 a.m. PST |
Zinkala said it better than I could. At long last the club here is getting armies (4000 point Barons of Lyonesse x 2, 2 x Orcs,1 Lizardman & 1 Goblin.) We've even got a campaign of sorts starting Monday the 18th. While we use a lot of WFB stuff, several armies are being made in part or total from D&D plastic collectable minis bought as singles. It's easy to get 80 Orcs or 40 human spearmen or even some monsters for only 50 cents each. My 4000 point Orc army will have 12 units plus a hero & magic user. Love the game. MUCH better than WFB. |