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19th Century Rules Boards

The 19th Century Rules Boards allows members to discuss rulesets in the 19th Century period.

There are currently 14 19th Century rules/boards boards.

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19th Century

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Turkish Keyk-Class Patrol Digs

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian finally dips his toe into the world of Aeronef.

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CombatPainter Makes a Barbed Wire Section

combatpainter Fezian has been watching some documentaries lately set in the Western Desert, and was inspired to create this...

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3,912 hits since 10 Dec 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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BoardsDisplay on Homepage?
Desperado - For discussing Desperado.
Fire and Steel - For discussing Fire and Steel.
Horse, Foot and Guns - For discussing Horse, Foot and Guns.
Mighty Armies: Fantasy - For discussing Mighty Armies: Fantasy.
One-Hour Skirmish Wargames - For discussing One-Hour Skirmish Wargames.
Orc's Drift - For discussing Orc's Drift.
Pony Wars - For discussing Pony Wars.
The Sword and the Flame - For discussing The Sword and the Flame.
They Died For Glory - For discussing They Died For Glory.
Tin Soldiers in Action - For discussing Tin Soldiers in Action.
To Arms! - For discussing To Arms!.
Volley & Bayonet - For discussing Volley & Bayonet.
War Games Rules 1750 1850 - For discussing War Games Rules 1750 1850.
War Games through the Ages, Vol. 3, 1792 - For discussing War Games through the Ages, Vol. 3, 1792-1859.