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Ancient Ancients

This set of rules was written because, I lost my set of Slim's Ancient & Medieval rules. After many years of ancient wargaming I still prefer Donald Featherstone's system of saving throws.
Ancient Ancients introduction

Michael J. Mirandola
In Print
Available online (4-page PDF)
The time scale is one turn equals 6 seconds, time enough to fire one arrow or sling bullet. Use any figure scale you like, but count casualties as 1 = 1 or 1 = 20 scale.
Ancient Ancients


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 8 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 8 November 2016.

2,636 hits since 13 Nov 2016
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Ancient Ancients
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star no star no star no star (4.00)
Total Votes: 3