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Iron Stars

Queen Victoria died in January, marking a literal and symbolic end to the 'Victorian' era. Two new powers--the United States and Japan--were entering the world stage, even as many in the old guard began to creak under the weight of their own might. Communism, in the person of Vladimir Ilych Lenin, had begun to rear its head in Czarist Russia. Technology and the industrial revolution were changing everything, including the weapons of war. And while the "Boxer Rebellion" in China was easily quashed, the incident demonstrated growing resentment of European dominance. It was into this powder keg that the first Martian cinder fell, in a Surrey field during the spring of 1901.

Iron Stars is a game of space combat in an age of steam and steel. Set in a fictional universe based loosely on the writings of H. G. Wells and other fantasists, it provides a back story and ship designs from an alternate history in which the Martian Invasion actually happened, the ether is all-pervasive, and Cavorite is a reality. But, as with Starmada and other Majestic Twelve Games products, the focus is on players' imaginations; a clear and concise ship construction system is provided so you can pit your own space dreadnoughts against the likes of the Royal Navy Ether Squadron or the German Äthermarine.

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Majestic Twelve Games
In Print
Available online (Wargame Downloads) (PDF)


Areas of Interest

World War One
Science Fiction

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Austro-Hungarian Syren Aeronef

I updated this model, and discovered it's now a collector's item…

This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 23 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 23 November 2016.

2,718 hits since 27 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Iron Stars


Iron Stars: The Merchant War

The Merchant War is the first supplement for Iron Stars. Here, you will find much to expand upon the basic Iron Stars game, including a detailed history of the Merchant War of 1908-1909 between the United Kingdom and Austria-Hungary…
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Iron Stars: Southern Front

Southern Front is the second supplement for Iron Stars, the game of space combat in an age of steam and steel. In this book players will find additional game mechanics and background material that extends our semi historical timeline through the pivotal year of 1912.
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