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Dark Heaven Apocalypse

Fast-playing fantasy battle rules, with games playable in 3-5 hours. Armies are composed of troops, monsters, heroes, wizards, and leaders. A point system allows armies to be built from wide variety of army lists. Rules cover magic, artillery, morale, chariots, elephants, and more.

Al Pare, Ed Pugh
Reaper Miniatures
Year Published
Out of Print
Boxed set contains:
  • 144-page, perfect-bound rulebook

    Rulebook cover

  • 72-page short novel

    Novel cover

  • reference card

    One side of reference card

  • quick-start sheet
  • 8 Dark Heaven figures

    Four skeletons

    Four Dwarves

  • two 10-sided dice
Ground Scale Unstated
Time Scale Unstated
Figure Scale Unstated
Miniature ScalesIntended for use with 25mm figures, including the Heroic Scale 25mm figures in Reaper's Dark Heaven line. Conversions are given for using 15mm figures as well.
Individual. Suggested base sizes are given (for instance, 1" x 1" for infantry), but the designers suggest that any basing system should do.


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 20 August 1998. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 3 October 2016.

2,485 hits since 4 Oct 2016
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Dark Heaven Apocalypse
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star (8.00)
Total Votes: 1


Fast-playing fantasy army ruleset, intended to allow 200-500-figure battles to be fought to complete conclusion in 3-5 hours. Armies are built using a point system, and can be based on the world background of Avalorr, or can be Open armies. Army lists indicate the balance between infantry and cavalry. Units are constructed by taking a basic race (human, elf, dwarf, halfing, centaur, gargoyle, bathalian, orc, black orc, lizard men, rat men, vampiric races, undead, and dire-dead), then buying options such as a special weapon class or additional training. Heroes, leaders, wizards, and monsters also take part.

Sample pre-designed troop type

Units are divided into Classes (based chiefly on armor type). At the start of the turn, both players roll for initiative (modified by the presence of leaders). The winner of initiative then begins to move his units. The player with initiative takes actions with all of his Class 1 units, followed by his opponent taking actions with his Class 1 units; they continue the turn by alternating actions with Classes 2, 3 and 4. An Action consists of an attack (melee, ranged, or magical), a move, or a rally attempt; in many cases, a unit can combine movement with an attack in the same action.

Map of Adon

The combat system is based on each player rolling a 10-sided die, and adding modifiers due to the figure's stats and situation - the highest modified result wins. Multiple attackers can target the same defender in close combat, adding support modifiers to a single attack dieroll. Combat is resolved with a single dieroll. In most cases, the loser is eliminated; in the case of most victorious Heroes and Monsters, multiple figures are eliminated. The rules also cover thieves and rangers, artillery, morale, chariots, fanatics, elephants, unit bonuses, and a magic system with nearly 30 spells.

Sample army list

Over half the rulebook consists of army construction material - army lists, sample characters, and sample troop types. The army lists provide a guideline for creating an army, but allow freedom to create new troop types.