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SuperSystem 4th edition updates the world’s most comprehensive and versatile super skirmish game with a fresh new look that includes expanded attributes, new and revised powers, improved mechanics that speed play and allow for easier character design, and a new solo-play option!

Built to work with SuperFigs or any other brand of Super miniatures (in 28mm or 15mm scale), SuperSystem provides a flexible setting and campaign rules that will allow players to further develop stories and characters with each scenario played.

All players need to get started are these rules, a few miniatures, a handful of six-sided dice, and their imaginations!

– catalog listing

Scott Pyle
Four-Color Studios
In Print
Available online (Wargame Downloads) (PDF)


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Science Fiction

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A Fistful of Kung Fu

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Relthoza Drone-Class Frigate

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian replaces his mysteriously missing frigates.

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GameCon '98

The Editor tries out this first-year gaming convention in the San Francisco Bay Area (California).

Featured Movie Review

This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 25 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 25 November 2016.

3,504 hits since 27 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Super Miniature Battles

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (6.66)
Total Votes: 3


Second edition

Second edition is still available (Wargame Downloads) (100-page PDF)

Third edition

Third edition is still available (Wargame Downloads) (86-page PDF)

Current version is 4th edition.


SuperSystem: 2007 Annual

2007 Annual
Taking a cue from the long tradition of Summer annual issues in comic books, Four-Color Figures presents the SuperSystem 2007 Annual. This supplement for the SuperSystem miniature battle-game offers new characters, powers, and scenarios for added table-top comic book mayhem! Also included is a Fast-Play sheet summarizing the core rules, and with a bit of help from a grizzled veteran, providing enough guidance for a newcomer to try the game.
– catalog listing