Father Tilly: Escalade
Escalade is a set of skirmish rules designed for keen Father Tilly players - and anyone else interested in seventeenth-century warfare. Escalade takes the basic mechanics used in Father Tilly and incorporates that extra layer of detail required for battles at the skirmish level. The rules feature organisation at the company level and focus on the role of officers and NCOs in low level engagements. Also included in the rules are a number of different troop types: those interesting and exotic units that are too small or rare to feature in most big battles. Players can field units of Jägers, Shützen, Sturmtruppen and Trabanten.
For the experienced Father Tilly player, Escalade contains several familiar features. Rules for movement, morale, shooting and combat have the same basic mechanics but with additional detail. The sections on terrain and scenario generation are also included plus a new section detailing mortars, incendiaries and other methods of mayhem and destruction. The popular "war-tokens" section is also included, this describes how players can use their existing Father Tilly tokens and apply them to skirmish games. And because of the more uncertain nature of skirmish games, the initiative system has been modified too.
Despite its similarities to Father Tilly, Escalade is a game that can be played on its own without any prior experience of other AB One games. Players of Father Tilly will already be familiar with many of its processes, however, new players will quickly find an easy to use, exciting and enjoyable system ideally suited to fighting skirmish level games in the seventeenth century.
– catalog listing
- Designer
- Stephen Danes
- Publisher
- AB One Games
- Status
- In Print
- Contents
- Available online (Wargame Vault) (43-page PDF)
Areas of InterestRenaissance
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Skirmish Rules for the Seventeenth Century
Father Tilly: Campaign - Campaign Rules for Father Tilly & Escalade
Father Tilly: Campaign is a game supplement for the Father Tilly rules that allows players to fight a series of connected scenarios within their chosen phase of the Thirty Years War. These new rules show the effects of campaigning on the players armies and the rewards for the victorious and the penalties for the defeated.
This supplement also introduces some of the wider strategic events that occurred in Europe at the time of the war and how these impacted on the combatants. For instance, the granting by the Pope of massive subsidies to the emperor Ferdinand II, harvest failures in Germany, the Dutch capture of the Spanish treasure fleet, the Peace of Monzon, the Sack of Magdeburg, the death of Gustavus and the civil wars in Britain. Depending on which phase of the Thirty Years War players choose, each turn they will be faced with one of these strategic events and will find that their army either benefits or suffers from its implications.
Also included are a number of familiar campaign elements such as ways of improving the profiles of generals and units as they benefit from their successes on the battlefield (and of course a way of penalising the unsuccessful). Players can also employ a number of "campaign assets" between battles such as forced peasant labour, hostages, control of imports, scorched-earth tactics or a number of other useful methods of undermining the opponent.
– catalog listing
Available online (Wargame Vault) (46-page PDF)
Mercenary Scum
Six scenarios. Available online (Wargame Vault) (18-page PDF)