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Iron and Fire

In this edition of the rules the initiative roll from either side determines who will activate first for movement, then for shooting and finally for boarding, though play alternates between players in each phase of the turn. The gunnery rules show the minimum score to hit, and the gun penetration at a given range, as well as the damage inflicted when you hit the target. Critical Damage can be caused which will adversely affect the target. There are rules for ramming, mines and early torpedoes including fixed spar torpedoes, as well as shore batteries and forts, and howitzers and mortars to attack them.

The rules also include over 300 game data sets for the American Civil War with
  • over a hundred Union Seagoing and River Ironclads, Seagoing Warships and River Gunboats.
  • more than more than sixty Confederate Ironclads, Gunboats, Static Batteries, Commerce Raiders and Blockade Runners.
  • Chilean and Peruvian vessels.
  • Austrian and Italian Ironclads and Unarmoured vessels.
  • Danish and Prussian Ironclads and Wooden steamers.
…as well as typical Russian, Turkish, French and British vessels, with additional data for generic transports.

All the necessary information is also included to allow you to recreate further historic vessels of your choice (or you can design your own).

– catalog listing

David Manley, Andrew Finch, Alan Butler
A&A Game Engineering
In Print
Available online (Wargame Vault) (54-page PDF)
Recommended scale 1/1200 or 1/2400
– catalog listing


Areas of Interest

American Civil War
19th Century

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian completes a Confederate river ironclad.

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sargonII, traveling in the Middle East, continues his report on the gates of Jerusalem.

This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 16 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 16 November 2016.

2,614 hits since 27 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Iron and Fire

Naval Wargames Rules for the Ironclad Period 1850-1880

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star (9.00)
Total Votes: 3


Current edition is 3.0