Total Votes: 12

Total Votes: 12
Currently on 4th edition.
FUBAR 15mm – Khurasan Miniatures
This supplement to the FUBAR game system provides stats and options for Khurasan Miniatures.
– FUBAR 15mm – Khurasan Miniatures
2-page PDF
FUBAR 15mm – Rebel Minis Sci-Fi
This supplement to the FUBAR game system provides stats and options for Rebel Minis sci-fi miniatures.
– FUBAR 15mm – Rebel Minis Sci-Fi
1-page PDF
These are a few simple lists for small unit actions in the Warhammer 40K universe using FUBAR. Their role is advisory rather than as strict rules. The idea is to let W40K players get straight down to fighting small unit actions with the FUBAR rules.
2-page PDF
FUBAR Clone Wars
This supplement is based on the forces shown in the Star Wars Cartoon series ‘The Clone Wars’. It is set in the period between the Second and Third films in the series. In this time the Jedi and the Republic wage a mostly successful war against the Secessionists.
– FUBAR Clone Wars
3-page PDF
FUBAR Hammer's Slammers
These are a few simple lists for small unit actions in the Hammer's Slammers universe. Their role is advisory rather than as strict rules.
– FUBAR Hammer's Slammers
1-page PDF
FUBAR ISAF Troops in Afghanistan
Afghanistan (according to NATO) is the front line of the War Against Terror and approx 46 nations contribute UN troops under the banner of the International Security Advisory Force (ISAF). Although made for Afghanistan this force list and ideas would also serve a lot of other areas where insurgents are better quality than ‘armed gangs’.
– FUBAR ISAF Troops in Afghanistan
1-page PDF
FUBAR Missions in Afghanistan
Winning the war in Afghanistan is far more complex than doing a body count. Control of an area rests with how the locals feel and how they perceive how their life is changing. In order to help the locals change their lives the ISAF troops must drive the Taliban out of the area and keep them out. They must do this with as little negative impact on the locals as possible. Meanwhile the Taliban are trying to show that they have God on their side and they will drive the infidels out! Accordingly the games will be mainly scenario driven. On the whole the Taliban do not care about losses, killing or capturing ISAF troops is their main goal.
– FUBAR ISAF Troops in Afghanistan
1-page PDF
FUBAR – Morale & Casualty Supplement
1-page PDF
These are a few simple lists for small unit actions in the Stargate milieu. Their role is advisory rather than as strict rules.
1-page PDF
The premise behind SG1895 is that the first Stargate is discovered by a British Lord Conway in 1895 and is taken back to his estates in Yorkshire. After he and his daughter are abducted by Jafar the British Government take control of the Stargate and form an Explorer Corps to exploit it. Obviously the forces of the British Empire in 1895 have a very different, and much more aggressive attitude to interplanetary exploration than the Americans in the TV series.
– FUBAR SG1895
1-page PDF
FUBAR – Something Wicked this way comes
This is a fun supplement to allow players to enjoy destroying a small mid-western American town.
– FUBAR – Something Wicked this way comes
1-page PDF
FUBAR Starship Troopers
This FUBAR supplement aims to replicate the film and cartoon series.
– FUBAR Starship Troopers
1-page PDF
FUBAR Star Wars
This supplement is based on the second Star Wars Trilogy (Episodes IV-V-VI) and the Rebellion era.
– FUBAR Star Wars
3-page PDF
FUBAR VIETNAM – One Page Small Unit Wargames Rules
2-page PDF
FUBAR Warzone Supplement
2-page PDF
FUBAR World War 2 – Infantry Platoons Supplement
The basis for FUBAR is small unit actions. The following are simple lists for ordinary platoons during the war. Further supplements will detail specialist units and armoured vehicles.
– FUBAR World War 2 – Infantry Platoons Supplement
1-page PDF
Generic Sci-Fi FUBAR
This supplement for FUBAR allows players to fight small-unit skirmishes using a wide variety of sci-fi miniatures.
– Generic Sci-Fi FUBAR
1-page PDF
Victorian Science Fiction rules for FUBAR
Jules Verne and H. G. Wells were right. Aether propellers, weird steam and clockwork science, and heavier-than-air flight have revolutionized the world of the latter half of the 19th century. This expansion to the FUBAR core rules covers some of the possibilities. Where a situation is not covered or vague, err on the side of the Rule of Awesome.
– Victorian Science Fiction rules for FUBAR
1-page PDF
Grav Armor rules for Fubar to go with Topgun Marketing LLC’s vehicles
2-page DOC.
Grav Armor Ratings for FUBAR
1-sheet XLS file.
WarFUBAR 40,000 – Codex: Space Marines
3-page PDF
WarFUBAR 40,000 – Imperial Guard
This expansion for the FUBAR rules is designed to work with the model range and background provided by Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 Imperial Guard.
– WarFUBAR 40,000 – Imperial Guard
1-page PDF