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The Forces of Light and of Darkness

This is a fully ancients orientated game with all the nuances, tactics, weapons and command of ancient battle simulation with model soldiers. We believe the time will come when the fantasy player will get sick of the artificially contrived contemporary commercial games (that are conveniently repackaged every few years and sold at £50.00 GBP a set) and move over to a game with a greater degree of historical perspective. In FLD we take the accounts of Tacitus, Tolkein (and many others) as true. Accounts of battle are read and re-read many times. We assume that the average fantasy soldier has the same constraints as to performance, weapons and tactics as his historical counterpart. In addition, there are also dragons, wizards and heroes. In FLD the fantasy player must give the same attention as to his ordinary rank and file, deployment, terrain, manoeuvre, maintenance of a contiguous battle-line, the concern of being flanked etc. as his historical counterpart. Forget these facts and no matter how many super-heroes you have, you'll lose.
The Forces of Light and of Darkness introduction

Chris Bryant
Alienstar Games
Year Published
In Print
Available online (30-page PDF)
One average a human sized model can represent an average of 60 real life troops. A four animal chariot model represents 25 real life machines and a two animal chariot represents 50. A leviathan models represents up to 30 real life creatures and a Behemoth model represents 1 to 5.
The Forces of Light and of Darkness page 2
Each turn represents one hour of real time.
Based on troop type and formation, frontages and depths are listed per figure.


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 30 October 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 30 October 2016.

2,560 hits since 27 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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The Forces of Light and of Darkness

Tabletop gaming the classic works of FANTASY BATTLE with rules, dice and model soldiers.


Development ended with version 2.0; the rules later became Undying Lands