is a skirmish game of petty crime in the hood. It’s about street gangs battling it out o
n the turf, cops trying to fight this and the Mafia seeing to it that their claims are not infringed.
is a light-hearted game and NOT the attempt to portray street warfare as accurately as possible. It’s just a game for like-minded souls who enjoy some hours of heroic deeds and funny situations after endless happy hours of painting models and terrain-building AND above all without worldly wise man’s scholarly questioning some rule mechanisms or outcomes because of his permanent on-line link to Wikipedia on weapon performance or his claim to just have lived in South Central.
– GangStars introduction
- Publisher
- Obelisk Miniatures
- Status
- In Print
- Contents
- Online (20-page PDF)
- Scale
1 Figure = 1 man, 1 dog or 1 vehicle
Timescale: from seconds to minutes
Groundscale: meaningless, if to scale to the miniatures used ranges are either ridiculously short or not practical (long ranges) if to terrain scale used. As long as the relation movement terrain looks halfway right it's ok.
– GangStars
Areas of InterestModern
Featured Hobby News Article
Featured Link
Featured Ruleset
Featured Showcase Article You wanted more photos of the Santa Claws Gang? Here is Santa and two of his companions.
Featured Workbench Article One way to base Modern Pulp figures for a wide variety of environments.
Featured Profile Article
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