Fantasy Wargaming
This book includes an introduction to role-playing games, a history of fantasy wargaming,
and introductory material on purchasing and painting miniatures. The heart of the book,
however, is the set of mass combat rules provided. This system allows for epic-scale combat,
individual heroic figures, wizards and magic, monsters, written orders, sieges and campaigns.
The final chapters describe how to create your own fantasy world, then provide an example of
such a creation.
- Designer
- Martin Hackett
- Year Published
- 1990
- Status
- Out of Print
- Contents
- 232-page hardcover book (includes color photographs)
- Scale
- Ground scale is 1 inch = 6 yards. Time scale is unstated. Each figure represents an unstated number of combatants.
- Basing
Figures can be placed on bases 3" wide, with the number
of figures and the depth of the base depending on the troop type. |
troop type | space per figure |
Infantry | 1" square |
Dispersed Infantry | 1½" square |
Cavalry | 1" (width) x 2½-3" (depth) |
Monsters | 3" square |
Areas of InterestFantasy
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