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Hurrah Stalino!

Hurrah Stalino! is a revolutionary set of rules (for 6mm scale figures) designed to allow players to fight large scale battles on the Russian Front during World War Two. The basic tactical unit is the battalion whilst the basic formation of manoeuvre is the division. Divisions are then grouped in to Corps and Corps are then grouped into Armies. Because of this Hurrah Stalino is a game of strategy rather than tactics and the rule mechanisms reflect this.
Hurrah Stalino! introduction

Kremlin Miniatures
In Print
Archived online (webpage)
Intended for use with 6mm models
A single model of the appropriate type should represent vehicular units. It is not necessary to put the vehicle model on a base. Infantry should be mounted with 5 figures on a base (you will not need to represent HQs), whilst artillery, anti-tank and anti-aircraft units should have 1 gun + crew figures mounted on a base. Aircraft units should mount 1 model on a flying stand. In all circumstances (except for aircraft) bases should ideally have a 1” frontage and up to a 1½“ depth. Each base must have some form of marker on it identifying which division the unit mounted on it belongs to.
Hurrah Stalino!


Areas of Interest

World War Two on the Land

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Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian opens a box of dirt roads with shellholes and tread marks on them.

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 12 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 12 November 2016.

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Hurrah Stalino!

Corps to Army Level Rules for Conflict on the Russian Front 1942 to 1945