Total Votes: 2

Total Votes: 2
Caverns of the Cretaceous

Supplement designed for the (free!) QILS gaming system that puts you and your party in the thick of a subterranean lost world. There are heroes, sidekicks, villains, primitive hominids, terrifying beasties, carnivorous plants, and, of course, dinosaurs!
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Heroes of Urartu

Heroes of Urartu is a supplement for Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish, our free rule set, staged on the Anatolian plateau in the late Bronze Age. Five ancients empires are presented for head to head battle and campaign play. You will field everything from civilians to the heroes that legends are based upon, including cavalry/chariots and ships. There are also single hero scenarios that you can play head to head or as solo games. And just to fill things out, there are some optional fantasy forces - not D&D style magic wielding supermonsters, but rather gritty and savage beasts and men (and women) of ancient legend.
– Publisher's listing
Horror Night Thirteen!

Horror Night Thirteen is a supplement designed for the (free!) QILS gaming system that pits you against some of the most fiendish things imagined by man… your wargaming buddies!
– Publisher's listing
The Howling Desert

The Howling Desert provides you a genre- and system-independent scenario that lets your adventurers brave it against a flesh-rending sand storm. The scenario has a number of options, to let you customize it for your gaming system of choice. It also has team stats for Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish (QILS), our free gaming system, to let you beat your best friends up right away.
– Publisher's listing
Hunter Gatherer

Hunter Gatherer is a prehistoric fantasy supplement designed for the (free!) QILS gaming system that sets 2-4 tribes of 28mm cavemen against each other, dinosaurs, and the world itself in a pitched battle for survival.
– Publisher's listing
Saga of the Death Cult

Saga of the Death Cult is a supplement for Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish, our free rule set. Players will chase the Eye of Lysagora way through critical events in the history of the Death Cult through the centuries, right up to modern day. Delve into the vaults of ancient empires. Plot against the realm. Recover the artifact from ruins. Struggle against a Medieval robber-king. Put down your rivals ... or die trying. And after it's all over, come back from beyond the grave.
– Publisher's listing
Shadows of Koshmar

Shadows of Koshmar is a fantasy supplement designed for the (free!) QILS gaming system. It provides stats and backgrounds for a more traditional Northern European mythology view of a fantasy world. Enough maps, policitcs, guides, and other materials are provided to get you hacking and slashing your way through the countryside either as skirmish wargames, roleplaying adventures, gaming tournaments, our rpg campaigning.
– Publisher's listing
The Lost Treasure of Tan Akihr

The Lost Treasure of Tan Akihr is a basic quest adventure set as a tabletop wargame for three to seven players. The adventure is presented with stats for our Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish game, but is written so it is fairly easy to substitute in forces from just about any game you already happen to play.
– Publisher's listing
Soylent Green: We're a People Company

This is a free scenario that lets 3-5 players battle it out in a (creepy) industrial environment.
– Publisher's listing
Troll Ball

Troll Ball is a rousing game of athleticism, strategy, and havok for INLGames' free Quick Intermediate Level Skrimish rules.
– Publisher's listing
Yet Another Giant Robot Apocalypse Game

YAGRAG is a sourcebook (with detailed data for the (free!) QILS gaming system) that lets you save (or destroy) the world in a science fiction setting populated by giant robots ... well ... and more giant robots! There are regular military forces and aliens, too, just in case your giant robots need to practice beating up on things.
– Publisher's listing
Zombisaurus Rex Versus The Tricinerator

Zombisaurus Rex vs. Tricerinator is a scifi zombie horror supplement for Quick Intermediate Level Skirmish, our free rule set, that pits a plucky band of 28mm heroes and their minions against an island full of zombified dinosaurs. Their only hope is to convert an animatronic triceratops from the park into a zombidino terminator.
– Publisher's listing