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Lost Battles

Lost Battles takes a new and innovative approach to the battles of antiquity. Using his experience with conflict simulation, Philip Sabin draws together ancient evidence and modern scholarship to construct a generic, grand tactical model of the battles as a whole. This model unites a mathematical framework, to capture the movement and combat of the opposing armies, with human decisions to shape the tactics of the antagonists. Sabin then develops detailed scenarios for 36 individual battles such as Marathon and Cannae, and uses the comparative structure offered by the generic model to help cast light on which particular interpretations of the ancient sources on issues such as army size fit in best with the general patterns observed elsewhere. Readers can use the model to experiment for themselves by re-fighting engagements of their choice, tweaking the scenarios to accord with their own judgment of the evidence, trying out different tactics from those used historically, and seeing how the battle then plays out. Lost Battles thus offers a unique dynamic insight into ancient warfare, combining academic rigor with the interest and accessibility of simulation gaming. This book includes access to a downloadable computer simulation where the reader can view the author's simulations as well as create their own.
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Philip A. G. Sabin
Hambledon Continuum
Year Published
In Print
Hardback, paperback, ePub or PDF

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 21 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 21 November 2016.

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Lost Battles

Reconstructing the Great Clashes of the Ancient World

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