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Starship Marine

Starship Marine is a set of science fiction wargame rules, designed for use with toy soldiers.

The basic idea is that there is a battle to control and capture a starship by a boarding party moving down the corridors and rooms of the ship. One side controls the attackers, who are mostly composed of the eponymous 'Starship Marines', and the defenders, usually less well armed crewmen, with perhaps a smattering of Marines to stiffen the defence.

Starship Marine introduction

Jim Wallman
Year Published
In Print
Online (16-page PDF)
The scale of toy soldier is 25mm or 1/72, and any make of figures can be used – although Games Workshop figures are not recommended for two reasons… they are heavily over-priced, and the models are much too big. Anything else will do, Ground Zero Games do a very good range.
Starship Marine introduction


Areas of Interest

Science Fiction

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 15 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 15 November 2016.

2,829 hits since 25 Nov 2016
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Starship Marine

The Original Starship Boarding Action Wargame Rules


Current version is 30th Anniversary Special Edition 2005.


Starship Soldier

Starship Soldier
These rules and notes are an add-on to Starship Marine Streamline.

They are not intended as a complete set of all-inclusive rules for general ground combat, because the marines lack a whole range of weapons systems such as GEVs, AIR, Artillery, Satellite etc. (See the Plan-A rules for some idea of how they work).

The rules are about small unit actions of a group or so, deployed planetside for VIP guarding, raiding, hostage rescue, arrest and capture and similar missions.

Starship Soldier introduction

11-page PDF