Total Votes: 4

Total Votes: 4
Currently on version 3.
QRS Version 3
1-page PDF
Basic Units V3
Fantasy and historical units. 10-page PDF
The Chariot Age
These are the armies of the of the Biblical world and the Trojan wars. The lists cover the golden age of Chariot from about 1300BC-1000BC. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct.
– The Chariot Age
9-page PDF
Classical Greece
These are the armies of the Greek City States, Persia and others. The lists cover the golden age of Hoplite Warfare from the Persian Invasions through the Peloponnesian War. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct.
– Classical Greece
9-page PDF
Alexander the Great
These are the armies of Alexander the Great and his Enemies. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct.
– Alexander the Great
8-page PDF
The Successors
These are the armies of the Macedonian Kingdoms controled by Alexander’s generals after his death. The lists cover the high point of Hellenistic Warfare. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct. This list is organized differently than other lists in AD6. Since the various Successor armies are quite similar, it made sense to have a master list of those units common in most successor armies and then have army notes that modify the main list. You will find the main army list noted first and then the specific army notes following the main list.
– The Successors
3-page PDF
2nd and 3rd Punic War
These are the armies of the second and third Punic war. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct.
– 2nd and 3rd Punic War
8-page PDF
Imperial Rome
These lists are for the the armies and enemies of Early Imperial Rome. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct.
– Imperial Rome
7-page PDF
Dark Age Britain
These are the armies of Post Roman Britain and the Age of Arthur. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct.
– Dark Age Britain
7-page PDF
Dark Age England
These are the armies of the Early Medieval Period in England. The armies are based upon those found in DBA 1.2 and Might of Arms. They have been modified based on research and gut instinct.
– Dark Age England
7-page PDF
High Medieval
3-page PDF
Fantasy and Magic
For those that wish to add powerful magic casters and fantastic units, characters and armies to their Ancients D6 game, the following rules should allow them to do just that.
– Fantasy and Magic
12-page PDF