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Dark Age Skirmish Rules

I use my own rule set, which was published a while back in Practical Wargamer, however, it has been improved and speeded up since then. It is suitable for Medieval skirmishes, too.
– designer's website

Steve Burt
Year Published
In Print
Archived online (webpage)
These rules are designed for use with 25mm or 15mm figures - the latter are more in scale, but 25mm look nicer for skirmish games.

Ground scale is 1cm:1 metre (1:100)

Each turn is 2 seconds, but as with most of these games, the time scale is somewhat elastic, and it can be assumed that there is a lot of crouching in the bushes going on.

Dark Age Skirmish Rules


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 2 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 5 November 2016.

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