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Wargames Rules for All-Arms Land Warfare from Platoon to Batallion Level 1925-1950 and 1950-2000

This is a single volume containing reprints of two earlier sets. In June 1988 the set covering 1925-1950 was published and became popular. It was followed by a set covering the period from 1950-1975 which was published in June 1979. This was extended in January 1993 to cover the period from 1950-2000 and this is the set reprinted here. These are particularly well suited to the 1/300 or 1/285 scale models and in place of the "Army Lists" accompanying sets for earlier periods, they contain tables of information about the arms used by different nations during the period covered.
– publisher's listing

Phil Barker
Wargames Research Group
Year Published
In Print
134-page paperback book
Tactical. 5 minutes for one enemy and one friendly 'bound,' which are assumed to overlap each other. Suggested ground scales are 1" = 50m for 1:300 or 1:285 scale miniatures, 1" = 25m for 1:200 scale miniatures, or 1" = 10m for larger miniatures.
An individual vehicle is represented by one miniature. Infantry are represented by fire-team stands, or 2-man stands for larger scales.

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World War One
World War Two on the Land

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 28 March 1995. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 7 December 2016.

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©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Wargames Rules for All-Arms Land Warfare from Platoon to Batallion Level 1925-1950 and 1950-2000
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