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Dinosaur Cowboys

Dinosaur Cowboys is a fast playing (45 to 60 minutes) miniatures skirmish game of competing posses composed of up to five members and a dinosaur. Each character in the posse can be customized to fulfill a different role and purchase weapons and equipment from the many options available. Combat takes place in the futuristic landscape of the year 2285, where a supervolcano erupted and changed the course of mankind forever.
Dinosaur Cowboys website

Carlo Guglielmin
In Print
Online (70-page PDF)
"Dinosaur Cowboys is played using 28mm miniatures to represent characters and dinosaurs, but other scales work just as well."


Areas of Interest

Science Fiction

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 3 October 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 3 October 2016.

2,416 hits since 16 Oct 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Dinosaur Cowboys

A skirmish game where prehistoric dinosaurs meet the new wild west of 2285


Current version is 2.6 (2015).