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Legends of the Ancient World

In Legends, each player plays the part of one or more characters who go adventuring. You can play solitaire, or with other of players. In group play, one player is the game master (GM). The GM reads the instructions aloud and carefully logs the party's progress and game time.
Legends of the Ancient World introduction

Inspired by The Fantasy Trip (Metagming)

George Dew
Dark City Games
In Print
Online (8-page PDF)

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 4 October 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 4 October 2016.

2,607 hits since 14 Oct 2016
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Legends of the Ancient World
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star (9.00)
Total Votes: 3


The Crown of Kings

The Crown of Kings
At the edge of the world, hidden in the deptsh of an uncharted mountain, lies the "Crown of kings," an ancient relic of the forgotten Federative empire. The crown, when brought to light again, will rule the world.

INTERMEDIATE: 36 point characters

– Publisher's listing

The Dark Vale

The Dark Vale
Word has reached the streets of Redpoint that a lost artifact of great power lies to the southwest, in an obscure vale in the ancient Seawatch Mountains. It is the Blackstone, a relic of ancient power from a mythic age. There are only a few references to it in the tomes of history, all of them fearful and despairing. The potential for an era of unchecked evil abounds, unless you find the Blackstone first and destroy it.

Ebon Rebirth

Ebon Rebirth
It is a difficult time for the eastern peoples: drought and decreasing resources in addition to the usual bandits and raiders. And now there is an organized goblin army of marauders roaming the plains south of Symbonn. There are a few survivors from their depredations, so details are scarce, but their actions have cast a pall over already lean times.

You are here for one simple reason; these are lean times. Resources are scarce, not enough for the various peoples of the Wildlands to survive, much less the scavengers. Symbonn has a reputation for providing opportunity to the desperate. It will take some bloody work, but you are confident that you will rise to the challenges that you will face, and survive…

– Publisher's listing

Emerald Twilight

Emerald Twilight
Over a year ago, the old scholar Moffitt came across documents that predate the current human civlization on the Stormspeake Peninsula. The documents told of an ancient empire of frogmen, the remains of which are now lost in vine-choked jungle. Moffitt secure funding, equipment and personnel from King Gomar himself, and set out up the Seddarrin River, to its tangled source. Moffitt's goal was to locate at least one of the Empire's lost cities secure as many artifacts as possible, and return. But that was six months ago. Four months ago, all communication with the expedition ceased. Two other parties tried to location the expedition, but both went silent. That is where you come in. You must find Moffitt and bring him back. But you must prepare for strangeness, violence, and the dangers that lurk in the uncharted jungle…
– Publisher's listing

Fire in the Streets

Fire in the Streets
As fires spring up around the streets of Redpoint, the leader of a group of anti-slavery rebels is captured. While the eyes of authority are on the chaos, you must find this hero of the people, searching through winding alleys, open markets and temples for elusive clues. As you go, you discover others are using the distractions for their own ends…

This module is a campaign guide and urban adventure for the Stormspeake Penninsula.

– Publisher's listing

Gates to the Underworld

Gates to the Underworld
Only the Necromancer can help you summon back the demons of the underworld that have risen to plague the land. But you must first seal the breaches through which the demons entered the world of the living before undertaking the journey to Hell itself.

ADVANCED: 38 point characters

– Publisher's listing

The Island of Lost Spells

The Island of Lost Spells
In ancient times, there was a school of magic on the Island of Lost Spells. The books that remain in underground vaults are invaluable, and their knowledge will yield keys to the secrets of the realm.

INTERMEDIATE: 36 point characters

– Publisher's listing

The Oracle's Breath

The Oracle's Breath
Legend has it that the 'Oracle's Breath' is a powerful relic. Whosoever possesses the trinket can write his own fate. 'Rumors often exceed the truth,' you smirk to yourself. It is no surprise, however, that one day, Caius, a powerful merchant, approaches your group and makes a very lucrative offer.

'Return the Oracle's Breath to me, and I will pay each one of you who comes back 300 silver pieces,' he states.

But that was weeks ago. Now as your skiff approaches the damp wooden pier in the smothering fog, only one thought races through your mind. "What have I gotten myself into!" So you grab your weapons, and tie off, preparing for riches and reward, or a fight for your life in search of the Oracle's Breath.

– Publisher's listing

Orcs of the High Mountains

Orcs of the High Mountains

Free sample adventure. Download here (7-page PDF).

Raid On Cygnosa

Raid on Cygnosa
Those who would rule by might and are driven by lust for power have long troubled the Upland Nations. But few have wrought the destruction of that of the Ochre Mask. The man united thugs, pirates, outlaws and some say creatures of darkness, and raised an army that ravaged through the hills and forests, killing and looting with impunity. Though finally defeated at Longdell Ford, he disappeared without a trace. In the long years between, his legacy has been forgotten. But having suffered the blood of loved ones by his sword, you cannot forget his brutal savagery. Now, you have found credible evidence that he is on the mend. Rather than let the region be plunged again into heartless war and suffereing, it is up to you to find him and stop him before it is too late.
– Publisher's listing

The Sewers of Redpoint

The Sewers of Redpoint
When assassins stage a brutal raid at the temple of the Sun Goddess, you answer the call for assistance. But as you track the raiders through the sewers beneath the city, an ancient horror wakens from its timeless sleep.

ADVANCED: 38 point characters

– Publisher's listing

Shadows in the Dark

Shadows in the Dark
At the rim of the explored world lies a volatile land known as The Frontier. Horrific beasts born of nightmare appear out of thin air, devouring any living thing in their path. The weather and landscape too, are capricious and unpredictable. A scalding day may be replaced in a matter of moments by a raging blizzard. Where there was a verdant forest a day ago, now may be a vast desert. Now you are tasked to recover a stolen idol, a trinket, seemingly of minimum value. But Saleeb, the merchant prince, wants it back and is willing to pay a hefty fee. The only problem is that the trail of the idol goes deep into the uncharted regions of the Frontier.
– Publisher's listing

The Sorcerer's Manor

The Sorcerer's Manor

Free sample adventure. Download here (10-page PDF).

The Thing in the Lake

The Thing in the Lake
Only in the harshest of times, do you take these meager jobs. But now here you are, preparing the dead man for burial before the moon rises. The forest is dark and miserable &ndash regrettable that you are here. You recall your last days in town – the posting in the town square – which led you to the humble home of the carpenter. The pay didn't sell you; it was the pleading look in the old man's eyes. His only son had traveled into the Fenwood Forest to attend to the monastery therein. Few are accepted, and the honor is great. But that was over a month ago, and nothing has been heard since. In the mean time, rumors circulate of a beast run rampant, killing all those who venture into the depths of the forest. A twig snaps, throwing you back into the reality at hand. What lurks in the shadows? Is this only a deer, or Is it the beast?

NOVICE: 34 point characters

– Publisher's listing

Upon the Wind

Upon the Wind
Beneath you, rather than solid ground, there is only a lightning-charged sea of mist. Arcing energy from the clouds below tells you that you are no longer in familiar skies. Recalling the tales of sky mariners you have encountered, you understand with mounting panic that the raging storm must have concealed a gateway – a gateway through which you unknowingly passed. You surmise that you have been transported to none other than the fabled Ships Graveyard, the place where the wrecks of ships lost in the air are said to go…
– Publisher's listing

Wolves on the Rhine

Wolves on the Rhine
You stand guard on a lonely outpost, at the periphery of the Empire. Barbrian raids have sacked other outposts, strangled your supplies and now threaten the Legion itself. You must find what drives the raiders, and how to stop them.

NOVICE: 35 point characters

– Publisher's listing