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De Bellis Magistrorum Militum

DBMM was a radical development of earlier rule sets which kept many structures and much of the basic data. The most major difference was simulating command and control more realistically and in particular emphasizing the C-in-C's plan. This inspired its title, "For or about the Wars of the Masters of Soldiers". It has been used in a large number of competitions around the world, as well as several of the large multi-player historical refights organised annually by the Society of Ancients and the earlier versions have been translated into several other languages. VERSION 2.1 is now available and is a hardback edition containing updated rules, extensive diagrams and a few sample army lists.
– publisher's website

Phil Barker
Wargames Research Group
Year Published
In Print
68-page book

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De Bellis Magistrorum Militum

Wargames rules for ancient and medieval battles from 3000 BC to 1515 AD

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (6.50)
Total Votes: 14


Also known as DBMM.

DBMM first edition

First edition published by Caliver Books. Second edition published 2006 by Wargames Research Group; version 2.1 published 2010.

Also available in French.


DBMM Army Lists

BOOK ONE 3000 BC to 500 BC "The Chariot Period"

BOOK TWO 500 BC to 476 AD "The Classical Period"

BOOK THREE 476 AD to 1071 AD "The Early Medieval Period"

BOOK FOUR 1071 AD to 1525 AD "The High Medieval Period"

DMMM-Forum (unofficial)