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To Arms!

Covers the period 1750-1875. A set of rules intended to recreate major historical battles on the tabletop, with 2-4 players per side. There are rules for command and control, orders, fatigue, initiative, and morale. Each turn consists of a variable number of impulses, and tactical moves and melee are handled on a move-countermove basis. Combining the basic rules with a period supplement provides complete rules for that time period.

Michael R. Childers
Year Published
In Print
Binder containing 44 pages of basic rules, reference card, two marker/template cards, plus at least one of the following:
  • 32-page ACW rules supplement
  • 42-page Napeoleonic rules supplement
  • 18-page Frederickian rules supplement
One infantry or cavalry figure represents 100 men; one gun represents 3-4 guns. One tactical impulse represents 20 minutes. The ground scale is 1" = 100 yards, with a height scale of 1" = 20 yards. Designed for use with 15mm figures.
Troop Type# of figuresbase size
(frontage x depth)
Infantry 3-41" x ½"
Cavalry 2 1¼" x 1"
Artillery 1 gun
2-5 crew
½" x 1¼"


Areas of Interest

18th Century
American Civil War
19th Century

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 25 October 1996. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 14 December 2016.

2,876 hits since 15 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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To Arms!