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Crusader is a set of wargames rules that allow you to game some of the greatest battles in history from Biblical times to the Medieval period. Although written with 28mm figures in mind the rules are stand-based and so easily translate to any scale of model. The rules cater for many popular basing methods so there is absolutely no need to rebase your figures to be able to play Crusader.

At the heart of the rules is the concept that you are representing units of troops in battle rather than individual warriors. Dispensing with the traditional phases within a turn the unit-based mechanics allow for a fluid game that simulates the quality and training of troops rather than the abilities of a few super characters.

The rules have been created with the flexibility to allow armies from widely differing time periods to fight against each other through the use of a consistent points system. So if you want to fight William the Conqueror’s Norman Army against Alexander’s Macedonians feel free!

– catalog listing

Mark Sims
Crusader Publishing
Year Published
In Print
Available online (Wargame Vault) (64-page PDF)

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Grade My Gauls

At last! Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian finally paints the first of his Gauls...

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Cavemen & Giant Armadillos!

DJD Miniatures runs amok with a diorama of cavemen and the giant prehistoric armadillo!

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GameCon '98

The Editor tries out this first-year gaming convention in the San Francisco Bay Area (California).

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 18 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 18 November 2016.

2,801 hits since 22 Nov 2016
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Historical Miniatures Rules

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star no star no star (5.00)
Total Votes: 5


Imperium - Rome and Its Enemies, 107 BC to 476 AD

Imperium is the second supplement for the Crusader wargames rules covering the armies and enemies of Imperial Rome. There are 13 lists enclosed, each with its own background information, army guidelines, allies, special rules and points values.

Late Republican Rome 107 to 27 BC
Early Imperial Rome 27 BC to 117 AD
Middle Imperial Rome 117 to 285 AD
Late Imperial Rome 285 to 378 AD
Foederate Roman 382 to 476 AD
The Barbarians 105 BC to 476 AD
Spartacus’ Revolt 73 to 71 BC
Jewish Revolt 69 to 73 AD
Sarmatian Tribes 250 BC to 370 AD
Parthia 238 BC to 225 AD
Sassanid Persia 225 to 649 AD
Palmyra 250 to 273 AD
Huns 370 to 454 AD

– catalog listing

The Macedonian and Punic Wars

The Macedonian and Punic Wars
The Macedonian and Punic Wars is the first army list book for the Crusader Wargames Rules. You’ll need a copy of these rules to gain the most from this supplement but there is enough useful information (and some very nice photographs) to make this a worthwhile book in its own right.

There are seven major armies listed as well as details for allies and mercenaries that can supplement the forces of any of the major powers. As well as the army lists each nation has information on its history and major campaigns and advice on how to organise your forces and get the most from your troops on the tabletop.

Carthaginian 275 - 146 BC
Gallic 400 - 25 BC
Hellenistic Greek 250 - 50 BC
Macedonian Successor 320 - 146 BC
Numidian 300 - 25 BC
Roman 275 - 105 BC
Spanish 200 - 20 BC

– catalog listing