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This Quar's War

A primer on the proper behavior upon the field of battle, This Quar’s War allows players to recreate the valiant deeds of their ancestors. With chapters detailing both factions present at the infamous Battle for Gate 18, players can reference color uniform and heraldry plates to ensure the accuracy of their miniatures, as well as learn about the weapons their clan carried to war.

Designed for casual play, This Quar’s War offers straightforward yet challenging rules for the veteran miniatures player. Utilizing an open orders system and double blind activation, the rules require both a strategic vision and the ability to improvise. Combat resolution takes the form of large dice pools, offering the chaos of war as well as a simple mechanic to seamlessly blend gameplay with the abstraction of combat.

Scenario-based force creation and historical organization charts eliminate the need for army lists and point values, which allows players to use what miniatures they own for missions of their creating. Seven historically accurate missions from the Battle for Gate 18 give players a place to start as well as a chance to see how history may have unfolded differently. Will the unstoppable Crusade take Gate 18, or will the bold Coftyrans hold their ancestral home? Find out as you fight This Quar’s War!

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Josh Qualtieri, Anthony Brown
Year Published
In Print
Available online (108-page PDF)


Areas of Interest

Science Fiction

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 26 October 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 26 October 2016.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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This Quar's War


Of Spats and Pedrails

Of Spats and Pedrails
An expansion for both Songs of Our Ancestors and This Quar’s War, this book provides rules for fighting both large and small actions between the might of Alykinder’s Crusade, the strength of the Coftyran Crymuster, and the elusive Partisans throughout the continent.

Introducing rules for the fighting vehicles of Alwyd for both systems, Commanders can now bring the full weight of an armoured assault against their opponent. Expanding on the Baeliog rules from TQW now allows players to field squadrons of lighter tractors and even design their own.

This book also includes rules for the tenacious Royalists of Fidwog and the rebellious forces of Kryst. Rules for elite units in TQW give new options to commanders representing the best rhyflers of Alwyd.

With new missions and more historical background, Of Spats and Pedrails is an invaluable resource for Commanders pursuing victory in The Long War.

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Tales of the Breach

Tales of the Breach
An expansion for both Songs of Our Ancestors and This Quar’s War, this book adds over thirty exciting new missions for players to experience, including special rules and new characters that players can use in their own missions. This book also introduces linked missions, called operations, where the outcome of each battle affects the parameters of the next.

The operations and missions in this book concentrate on the year 1772, the pivotal and tumultuous eleventh year of the Crusade. Events throughout Alwyd are retold in Stories and Songs, while Blood on the Wall re-creates events that led to the famous breach of the Coftyran Wall. Relive the battles of your ancestors, and find out if your leadership can change the outcome of The Long War. Join us in telling the Tales of the Breach!

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