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Legends of Time and Space

In Legends, each player plays the part of one or more characters who go adventuring. You can play solitaire, or with other of players. In group play, one player is the game master (GM). The GM reads the instructions aloud and carefully logs the party's progress and game time.
Legends of the Untamed West introduction

Inspired by The Fantasy Trip (Metagming)

George Dew
Dark City Games
Year Published
In Print
Online (6-page PDF)


Areas of Interest

Science Fiction

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Exodus Wars 28mm REM Conscript Squad

Exodus Wars Marcovian conscript squad with captain, as painted for us by Legions Forward Miniature Painting Service.

Featured Book Review

This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 5 October 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 5 October 2016.

2,312 hits since 5 Oct 2016
©1994-2024 Bill Armintrout
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Legends of Time and Space


At Empire's End

At Empire's End
You make your living on the remote periphery as a bounty-hunter. It's a tough life, and to survive, you have to know how to deal with ruffians, swindlers, and thieves.

Your quarry this time is a dangerous pirate, armed and ruthless. His raids have laid waste to the sector's infrastructure, and he must be stopped.

Your mission, should you choose to accept, is to capture the 'Duke' and to bring him to justice. But you must hurry. With each of his raids, society falls further into chaos.

– Publisher's listing

The Dark Star Incident

The Dark Star Incident
Two parsecs out from Void Station 57, the Abaddon/Sheol binary system spins through the stygian darkness. The twin planets would be lifeless ice-rocks if not for the Dark Star Containment facility for the criminally incorrigible.

The Terran Bureau of Investigation has traced a deadly new street drug to the facility. As contract investigators, you must resolve the situation as quickly as possible. However, your investigation only scratches the surface of a far greater menace.

Beginner: 32-point characters

– Publisher's listing


The Andromeda Mining Corporation's materials reclamation project identifies reverted worlds with high concentrations of industrial materials, both processed and raw. In the case of Oasis, radiation has dropped to the point where human intervention is sustainable.

The Andromeda Probe LTS2 launched one week ago, and upon penetrating the planet's atmosphere, immediately lost communication. Despite company policy that any victor-class radioactive planet must first be explored by unmanned probe, the projected financial rate of return of exploitation exceeds probable loss, including legal action.

Your mission is to recover the Andromeda Probe and return it here to this sector outpost for analysis.

– Publisher's listing

Repel Boarders Starboard

Repel Boarders Starboard

Free sample adventure. Download here.



Free sample adventure. Download here.

Void Station 57

Void Station 57
You emerge from hyperspace with your fuel tanks empty. Expecting to simply refuel and leave, you instead find a dead station, spinning powerless and silent in the eternal void. With no other source of fuel, you have no choice but to search the cold, ebon corridors of Void Station 57.

NOVICE: 34 point characters

– Publisher's listing