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Habitants & Highlanders

This booklet combines the functions of reference work, rulebook, and scenario booklet. The rules can be played in either Battle or Skirmish scales. Command and control rules determine how many and which units can perform actions each turn. Low complexity.

Bruce McFarlane
Canadian Wargamers Group, The
Year Published
In Print
72-page booklet
SCALE Battle Scale Skirmish Scale
One figure 50 men 1-5 men
One game turn 20 minutes "minutes"
One inch using 15mm figures 100 yards 5 yards
using 25mm figures 50 yards

BASING Battle Scale Skirmish Scale
# of figures size of base
Infantry 3 1¼" x ½" mounted individually
Cavalry 3 1½" x 1"
Artillery 1 gun
2 gunners
as needed
Leaders 1 (brigadier)
2 (C-in-C)
1" x 1"


Areas of Interest

18th Century

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Wargaming the Age of Marlborough

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star 

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28mm Acolyte Vampires - Based

The Acolyte Vampires return - based, now, and ready for the game table.

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First Look: Barrage's 28mm Roads

Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian takes a look at flexible roads made from long-lasting flexible resin.

This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 8 December 1996. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 11 November 2016.

2,665 hits since 13 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Habitants & Highlanders

The Seven Years War in North America

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star (8.00)
Total Votes: 2


The Whites of Their Eyes

The Whites of Their Eyes

This supplement is the third volume in the publisher's North American series (earlier volumes were Rockets Red Glare and Habitants & Highlanders). This volume is not a stand-alone product, but requires the rules from Habitants & Highlanders.

The book contains 8 pages of background and history, a 6-page guide to uniforms and flags, an optional command control system (1 page), campaign rules for use with Avalon Hill's 1776 and We the People boardgames (2 pages), plus the scenarios:

Meeting Engagements
Monmouth (3 pages)
Flanking Marches
Long Island (3 pages), Brandywine (4 pages)
Set-Piece Battles
Bunker Hill (3 pages), Saratoga (4 pages), Cowpens (2 pages), Guilford's Courthouse (3 pages)
Surprise Dawn Attacks
Trenton (3 pages), Germantown (3 pages)
Night Fighting
Quebec (6 pages) [boardgame]
Yorktown (4 pages)
Solo Game
Lexington and Concord (4 pages)

Also included is Washington and Howe, an 8-page campaign game covering the northern and central states during the Revolution. This is played as a boardgame, but generates scenarios to be played with miniatures.

68-page booklet, mapsheet, counters. Published 1997.