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Jackson Gamers' Continuous Fire Fight Rules For The American Civil War

Robert Whitfield and Larry Brom developed these in 1984 after we refought the battle of Fredericksburg in 25mm scale, and the Confederates were unable to stop the Yankees by firepower. In these rules there is a “deadly ground” in front of an Infantry regiment (and to a lesser degree, in front of an artillery battery). Any enemy unit in that ground WILL be fired at until it is destroyed, or falls back voluntarily or involuntarily, or forces the units that are firing on it to withdraw.

The mechanisms of play such as Infantry and Artillery fire, Movement, Close combat (Melee), and Morale are taken straight from Larry Brom’s rules with little if any change. The unique facet of these rules is that once a unit moves into the “deadly ground” it will be fired at and will test morale, it may then return fire and the original firing unit will test morale. Then both units settle into a routine of firing and morale testing, till one fails morale or voluntarily falls back (or is destroyed). This is a difficult concept to grasp, because as miniature wargamers, we are so used to a turn sequence of: “we move, we fire, we test morale, we fight melees, we have another turn”.

Fire in this rules set is deadly. If one player persists in holding an exposed position, his unit or units will be destroyed by fire in one turn. Players must grasp the concept (so dear to the hearts of infantrymen) of bugging out if the fire-fight begins to go against them.

Jackson Gamers' Continuous Fire Fight Rules For The American Civil War introduction

Robert Whitfield, Larry Brom
Year Published
In Print
Available online (webpage)


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American Civil War

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Jackson Gamers' Continuous Fire Fight Rules For The American Civil War

Based on Larry Brom’s “Standard Rules”