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Classical Hack

These rules are intended as a user-friendly, fast-playing, yet historical set of ancients rules. The focus is on warfare between historical adversaries, broken into four Periods (600 BC - 380 BC, 380 BC - 100 BC, 100 BC - 250 AD, and 250 AD to 600 AD). Armies are purchased using a point system. Optional rules allow for individualized commanders.

Philip J. Viverito, Ed Backer, Richard Kohlbacher
LMW Works
Year Published
In Print
38-page paperback rulebook

Figure scale can vary, representing between 5-120 combatants per figure. Ground scale is 1" = 100 feet. One turn represents 15-30 minutes. Designed for use with 25mm and 15mm figures.

Type # of figures Width*
25mm scale 15mm scale
Open 2 60mm 40mm
Loose 3
Close 4
* Depth is set solely by the physical requirements of the figures

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 6 June 1997. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 16 November 2016.

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Classical Hack
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (6.50)
Total Votes: 8


First-edition Classical Hack I, II and III were combined to form second-edition Classical Hack.

Classical Hack I: Alexander to Marius (the first edition rules, sequel to Knight Hack) is still available via Wargame Vault (42-page PDF).

Classical Hack III: Warfare 200 A.D. to 1000 A.D. first edition is also still available via Wargame Vault (44-page PDF).


Classical Hack Scenarios Rome

Scenarios Rome

The supplement consists of a series of scenarios based on specific battles, connected by explanations of the changing military organizations. There is also a historical campaign (six linked battles), plus variant rules. All scenarios are fought on a 4' x 6' game table. The scenarios can be scaled down (or up), for those who wish to use fewer (or more) figures.

The nine independent scenarios are:

Rome Fights Fidenae (725 B.C.)
The men of Fidenae raided up to the gates of Rome, and now Romulus and his Romans are outside the gates of Fidenae. Using feigned flight to draw the Fidenae out from their town, Romulus seeks to maneuver his enemies into his waiting ambush. In addition to map and army lists, background and a comprehensive army list are given for Rome. 3 pages.
Figure scale: 1/50
Figures: 70 (Rome) vs. 64 (Fidenae)
The Allia Valley (390 B.C.)
Brennus and the Gauls advance into Italy, expecting to plunder the Romans as they have the Etruscans in the past. Two Roman legions stand to block them at the Allia, a small stream that flows into the Tiber. Background describes the army changes made by Servius Tullius, with two historical interpretations of how the Roman phalanx-based army might have been organized. 5 pages.
Figures: 216 (Rome) vs. 295 (Gauls)
Heraclea (280 B.C.)
Pyrrhus of Epirus meets the Romans at a crossing on the Siris river. Background explains the transition from a phalanx-based army to the new legions, and gives one historical interpretation of how a "5 line" legion might have been organized. 4 pages.
Figure scale: 1/50
Figures: 329 (Rome) vs. 232 (Pyrrhus)
Asculum Second Day (279 B.C.)
The Roman Consuls Decius and Sulpicius checked Pyrrhus' advance on the first day of fighting at Asculum. This scenario is about the second day's fighting, as the Romans risk a river crossing to come to grips with their opponent. 2 pages.
Figure scale: 1/50
Figures: 285 (Rome) vs. 203 (Pyrrhus)
Regulus in Africa (255 B.C.)
At the Battle of Tunes, Roman Consul Regulus makes a landing against Carthage, and comes up against Xanthipuss. Background explains the organization of a "3 line" legion and the role of Latin allies. (At the players' option, a 5-line legion could be substituted for this battle.) 3 pages.
Figures: 205 (Rome) vs. 197 (Carthage)
The Battle of Ilipa, Southern Spain (206 B.C.)
Scipio Africanus battles Hasdrubal (brother of Hannibal) for control of Spain. 2 pages.
Figure scale: 1/100
Figures: 418 (Rome) vs. 540 (Carthage)
Sample scenario page
Cynoscephalae (197 B.C.)
Rome had invaded Greece. Flaminius seeks to crush the potential threat of Philip V of Macedonia. A skirmish over a ridgeline develops into a full battle. 2 pages.
Figures: 212 (Rome) vs. 140 (Macedonia)
Caesar and Pharnaces, Zela (47 B.C.)
After the Egyptian campaign, Caesar goes East to fight for control of the Kingdum of Pontus. At Zela, Caesar takes the defensive on a ridgeline with understrength forces. Background material explains the Marian changes and the new 10-cohort legion. 4 pages.
Figures: 174 (Rome) vs. 194 (Pontus)
Mons Graupius (83 A.D.)
Agricola vs. the Caledonians in what is now modern Scotland. Background explains the military changes made by Augustus. 3 pages.
Figures: 270 (Rome) vs. 255 (Caledonia)

A Campaign in Spain, 76 B.C. to 75 B.C., is a series of six battles involving Pompey the Great versus the rebellious Spanish governor Sertorius. The first two battles are stand-alone scenarios, while the following four scenarios can be linked by having losses in a previous scenario apply to the following one.

Pompey vs Sertorius (76 B.C.)
While Pompey fights the rebels, more rebels appear behind his main line. 2 pages.
Figures: 272 (Rome) vs. 174 (Rebels)
Metellus & Hertulius (76 B.C.)
Rebels march directly into battle, despite fatigue and thirst. 1 page.
Figures: 160 (Rome) vs. 288 (Rebels)
Pompey & Heannius (75 B.C.)
Almost a three-sided battle, as both Heannius and Peperna (rebel generals) compete to destroy Pompey. 2 pages
Figures: 204 (Rome) vs. 182 (Heannius) and 116 (Peperna)
Metellus & Hertulius (75 B.C.)
2 pages.
Figures: 280 (Rome) vs. 352 (Rebels)
Pompey & Sertorius (75 B.C.)
Romans are thirsty and fatigued at start of battle. 2 pages.
Figures: 152 (Rome) vs. 162 (Rebels)
Pompey & Metellus vs Sertonius & Peperna (75 B.C.)
2 pages.
Figures: 220 (Rome) vs. 324 (Rebels)

Also included in this supplement:

Beginner's Army Lists for the Second Punic War
"Starter" 100-point armies, composed of roughly 10 units and 100 figures - Roman, Carthaginian, Gallic, Spanish, Numidian. There is also an army list for the Latins as an optional ally. Made for use with the variant rules. 4 pages.
Forsythe's Classical Hack Variants for the Second Punic War
Essentially, a streamlined version of the game which "is equal to the original system." Includes modified sequence of play, condensed movement chart, "smoother way" to handle fire. With new Casualty Chart and reference table. 6 pages.

52-page booklet. Published 1998.