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Volley & Bayonet

Volley & Bayonet: Road To Glory provides a single set of rules which cover, with minor modifications, the black powder era from 1700 to 1900…

The rules emphasize corps-level maneuver and commander decision-making rather than battalion tactics and random events. Real battles developed quickly, featured decisive attacks and sweeping turning movements, and demanded quick decisions. Volley and Bayonet captures that tempo with a fast moving game system that never becomes bogged down in trivia…

The rules emphasize Napoleonic warfare as the baseline for the system, and include optional rules for pre-Napoleonic linear warfare and the changes wrought by later more advanced weapons, such as cartridge rifles and rifles artillery. Eight historic Napoleonic battles are included as scenarios in this book: The Trebbia (1799), Marengo (1800), Austerlitz (1805), Auerstaedt (1806), Eylau (1807), Talavera (1809), Dennewitz (1813), and Quatre Bras (1815). The book also includes complete army lists for the entire Napoleonic Wars.

– publisher's listing

Frank Chadwick, Greg Novak
Test of Battle Games
In Print
95-page rulebook with scenarios for all periods with printed markers (on glossy cardstock)
Grand-Tactical. 60 minutes per turn. 1" = 100 yards. Units are regiments or brigades and artillery battalions.
Brigades (Cav. or Inf.): 3" x 3", Regiments 3" x 1½", Cavalry Skirmishers or Artillery Battalions 1½" x 3", Infantry Skirmishers 1½" x 1½", Corps or Army Commanders: 2" x 2"

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Volley & Bayonet

Road to Glory

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star (7.44)
Total Votes: 18


This rulebook is a beautiful glossy 90 page full size booklet. It is broken down into two main sections: Basic Rules & Scenarios. Designers notes, a question-and-answer section, and some quick reference pages are also included.

The Game Turn Sequence

Each side alternates taking turns. The turn's sequence of play is identical for each side, consisting of five phases:

  • Command Determination Phase – Players check to see which units are within the command control radius of their commander(s). Units out of command are marked as such and suffer movement and morale penalties in following phases.
  • Maneuver Phase – Players move units, including those closing to combat contact. Units are allowed one free facing change after which they may only move straight or obliquely. An additional facing change can be made by forfeiting half the unit's movement. Units may freely interpenetrate.
  • Rally Phase – Units with attached leaders may rally from rout.
  • Morale Phase – Units in combat contact check morale.
  • Combat Phase – Units in combat contact or artillery and skirmishers in range conduct melee combat and fire combat.


First edition published by GDW.

Current version is second edition.