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Knight Hack

These rules are intended as a user-friendly, fast-playing, yet historical set of medieval rules. Armies are purchased using a point system, paying for units (battles) based on number of figures, armor type, and morale. Armor type also determines which basing the unit is eligible for (open, loose, close).

Morale reflects both unit spirit and training, and determines melee strength (in combination with armor type) and the unit's ability to make evolutions (changes in movement and formation), as well as whether a unit becomes disordered due to combat or circumstances. Weapon type determines how many ranks can engage in combat.

Commanders are also purchased with points, and modify their unit's fighting strength and morale. The death or retirement of a leader causes his subordinate units to retire as well.

No army lists are provided, as the designers feel that there is insufficient historical evidence to base them on. Set-up rules allow each player to nominate eight items of terrain, then dice to see if each item is allowed, and if so, which part of the field it occupies. Two scenarios are provided: Hastings (1066) and First Lincoln (1141).

Philip J. Viverito, Ed Backer, Richard Kohlbacher
LMW Works
Year Published
In Print
66-page paperback book
Figure scale can vary, representing between 5-100 combatants per figure. Ground scale is 1" = 100 feet. "Time is not specifically taken into account as it is built into the overall system." Designed for use with 25mm and 15mm figures.
Type # of figures Width*
25mm scale 15mm scale
Open 2 60mm 40mm
Loose 3
Close 4
* Depth is set solely by the physical requirements of the figures

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 14 May 1997. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 27 October 2016.

2,253 hits since 27 Oct 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Knight Hack

Medieval Warfare 1000 to 1400 A.D.

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star no star (6.33)
Total Votes: 3


First edition:

Knight Hack 1st edition
  • 28-page rulebook
  • two reference sheets
  • one blank army list sheet
  • one errata sheet