A game of company level battles and ambushes in the late 16th century
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This is module five in the Spanish Fury series.
Currently on second edition.
Battlefinder! Western Europe - 1000 A.D.-1700 A.D.
Battlefinder should be looked on more as a play aid or component than a complete campaign game. It is in essence a modular campaign board that can be used in thousands of configurations. You can use this in conjunction with our miniature rulesets (Strongbow, SF: Actions and SF: Battle) or with any other set you might own…
– Battlefinder! introduction
21-page DOC
The Complete Spanish Fury
Explains the history of the Spanish Fury project, and the relationship between the first five modules (Siege, Battle, Actions!, Sail, Campaign). 2-page DOC
A La Huguenotte
This sequel to “Tinker Fox” is meant to bring small level campaigning to the continent in the Wars of Religion period (1563-1603), for two or more players. Included are counters and leaders for French, English, Spanish, Dutch and German troops to campaign just about anywhere in Western Europe. Three historical scenarios are included, with new historical maps, and leaders to represent actual participants!
– A La Huguenotte introduction
Campaign game. 7-page DOC
Planter Fox! - A variant of Tinker Fox for the Irish Rebellion, 1641-1652
Planter Fox brings the Tinker Fox system into Ireland from the beginning of the Rebellion until the end of the First Civil War in England when the Parliament takes over the city of Dublin.
– Planter Fox introduction
Campaign game. 10-page PDF
Spanish Fury: Campaign
A boardgame with an interface to use the other four modules. Included is a scenario from the First Wars of Religion in France. Armies and Navies maneuver on the board, capturing towns and provinces while defeating enemy armies.
– The Complete Spanish Fury page 2
25-page DOC
Spanish Fury: Duel
You knew it was coming! How can we have games such as Actions! where officers can fight in single combat, and not have an amusing set of dueling rules? Clearly we couldn’t. These rules are used for those so willing to fight out any kind of duel. You can even use them for Sail!, Lanterna! And Voyage! Since our Spanish Fury! Systems uses individual named officers, the scope for this game is obvious.
– Spanish Fury; Duel introduction
Card game. 4-page PDF
Spanish Fury: Voyage
The original idea behind this game was to simulate English campaigns off the coast of Spain between 1587 and 1603, as well as the Spanish Campaign to conquer the Azores. The more we worked on it however, the more the draw of the Caribbean pulled us westward. The idea of the corsairs trading and raiding was something that fit in so well with Actions! and Sail! that the project, half finished, was changed in scope about 3000 miles…
The general flow of play is this: Corsairs sail into the Caribbean looking to either plunder ship, towns or to trade, or perhaps all three. The Empire player must drive them out of the area while still performing the duties of a Captain-General (keeping the empire running).
– Spanish Fury; Voyage introduction
Campaign boardgame. 33-page PDF
Tinker Fox
This system is meant to recreate garrison warfare in the English Midlands during the First Civil War, for two or more players. This game uses the Perfect Captain’s Battlefinder to generate maps. Players must download Battlefinder to play this game. There are a number of scenarios simulating various strategic situations included with this game, but in general game play is similar in each instance; Players must consolidate their territory while keeping their enemy from doing the same.
– Tinker Fox introduction
Campaign system. 15-page DOC
4-page DOC
Very Civile Actions! - A variant of Spanish Fury: Actions! for the English Civil War, 1639-1651
Very Civile Actions is not really a separate game. It was made to be used with Tinker Fox, and to refight battles for campaigns.
– Very Civile Actions introduction