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Universal Soldier

The Universal Soldier was originally designed to be a set of historical rules for fighting miniature battles. As with all other sets of historical rules, making the leap to a fantasy system was not difficult. The designers of these rules have tried to provide a set of rules, which are unique within the fantasy battle systems available. Unlike other games, players will find that certain magic items and the ever-popular monsters are sometimes a two-edged sword.
Universal Soldier introduction

Silver Fox Productions, Inc.
Year Published
In Print
Archived online (webpage)


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 30 October 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 26 November 2016.

2,521 hits since 2 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Universal Soldier
Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star no star no star no star (4.50)
Total Votes: 4