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Chaos Wars

The fantasy version of Ral Partha's medieval rules system, Rules According to Ral. Infantry units are composed of 12 figures, while cavalry units are made of 6 figures. Individuals (champions, priests, and wizards) and creatures (dragons, giants, and monsters) are also allowed. The games includes stats for beastmen, centaurs, dwarves, elves, halflings, humans, lizardmen, orcs, skeletons, trolls, and winged humanoids. Troop are classified by training (peasant, yeomanry, and knights), race, movement type (foot or cavalry), and weapon (archer or non-archer). Armies can be built using a point system.

Each turn is broken into a number of phases (initiative and challenges, spellcasting, archery, movement, melee, morale), with both players participating consecutively in each phase. Rules cover morale, alignment, personal challenges, flying, and the conversion of role-playing game characters into game stats.

The booklet includes these scenarios: The Destruction of Benden Woods (Chaos vs. Elves in an Elven grove), Sack of Karalsburg (Undead vs human village), The Doom Legion Marches to War (the forces of Law must keep the forces of Chaos from breaking through), and Unholy Alliance (large battle, with sub-commanders on each side having differing goals).

Bob Charrette, Rich Smethurst, Marc Rubin, Chuck Crain, Jacob Fathbruckner
Iron Wind Metals, LLC
Year Published
In Print
Designed for use with 25mm scale figures
Player's discretion - individual, or multiple figures per base.


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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 9 September 1999. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 30 October 2016.

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©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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Chaos Wars

Rules According to Ral for Fantasy Battles

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star (9.00)
Total Votes: 4


Available online (68-page Classic Rules, Book 1: Game Mechanics PDF)


Originally published by Ral Partha. Currently on version Classic 2.0


Classic Rules 2.0: Book 2: Building Army Rosters

36-page PDF

Classic Rules 2.0: Book 3: The ANCIENT RIVALRY Campaign: Elf Alliance vs. Orcs and Goblins

40-page PDF

Classic Rules 2.0: Book 4: Legendary Scenarios

Herein we recall the conflicts that ignited the Chaos Wars, and the notable battles from the first years of the wars.
Legendary Scenarios page 5

56-page PDF

Classic Rules 2.0: Book 5: Personalities & Additional Material

32-page PDF

Classic Rules 2.0: Book 6: Armies of the Chaos Wars

35:2.1 Men of Avalon (Humans)
35:3.1 Undead
35:4.1 Dwarves
35:5.1 Chaos Warriors
35:6.1 High Elves
35:7.1 Wood Elves
35:8.1 Sea Elves
35:9.1 Lizardmen
35:10.1 Orcs
35:11.1 Goblins
35:12.1 Hobgoblins
35:13.1 Beastmen
35:14.1 Dark Elves
35:15.1 Atlanteans (Humans)
35:16.1 Forest Defenders
35:17.1 Hellenic States (Humans)
35:18.1 Trolls
35:19.1 Ogres
35:20.1 Celestials (Humans)
35:21.1 Norsemen (Humans)
35:22.1 Half-Elves
35:23.1 Demons
35:24.1 Centaurs
35:25.1 Forces of Light Alliance
35:26.1 Forces of Darkness Alliance

60-page PDF

Classic Rules 2.0: Book 7: Army Building Tools

126-page PDF

Game Reference Sheet

2-page PDF

Chaos Wars Spell Cards

6-page PDF

Orcs Are People, Too… Sort Of

RPG module by Tim Kask. 2015. 24-page PDF

Campaign Scenario Seven - Ancient Rivalry: Messengers

40th anniversary official game. 5-page PDF

Cincycon 2016 Army Rosters

8-page PDF