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In Her Majesty's Name

The rules are quick to learn but have sufficient depth to give a satisfying evening’s entertainment. IHMN is intended for 2–6 players, each with a single force. A force is usually comprised of just 4–15 figures, making it a lot less expensive to play than many other wargames, and allowing players to get into the game quickly, without having to paint large armies. IHMN is aimed at 28mm and 15mm figures, but works equally well in other scales, and can be played on a table as small as 24"x24" for a short game and as large as 72"x48" for a larger, multiplayer game. A short game lasts about 45 minutes and a large multiplayer game 2–3 hours. Two players could easily play three games in an evening, making an on-going campaign a highly viable option. IHMN has been designed to allow maximum versatility for the player – if they can conceive of it, they can create it within the system. There is, however, a wealth of existing material that can be used as-is, or adapted by players who don’t want to do everything themselves. This material covers weird science, mystical powers, and a range of pre-generated Adventuring Companies, including: the British Explorers’ Society, the Prussian Thule Society, the US Secret Service, the French Legion Étranges, the Russians – both Imperial and Revolutionary, Egyptian secret societies dedicated to restoring the Pharaohs, the Chinese Black Hand and the Papal Order of St. Gregory.
– catalog listing

Craig Cartmell, Charles Murton
Osprey Publishing Ltd.
In Print
Available online (64-page PDF and ePub)


Areas of Interest

19th Century
Science Fiction

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This entry created by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 3 November 2016. Last revised by Personal logo Editor in Chief Bill The Editor of TMP Fezian on 4 November 2016.

3,560 hits since 5 Nov 2016
©1994-2025 Bill Armintrout
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In Her Majesty's Name

Steampunk Skirmish Wargaming Rules

Rating: gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star gold star no star no star (8.33)
Total Votes: 3


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